24: They Don't Know About Us

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Sydney's POV


We were all in the living room with Tanna still on the screen. "Is Nikki and Harold back yet?" Tanna asked and we all shook are heads.

"I bet they're doing the frick frack" Sydney said as they wiggled her eyebrows and Tanna burst out laughing.

"Harry is practically hooked over her I swear of it" Louis said and the other boys nodded in agreement.

"Should we go check on them?" Niall asked and Kelly shook her head.

"Nah, let them have their Hicole Sagler moment" Kelly said and the boys raised their eyebrows and repeated the name. "It's Harry and Nicole's ship name" She explained. Then we all had to explained to the four boys the exact meaning of shipping means. it was hard, but I think they finally understood.


Kelly's POV

We talked to the boys and Tanna for a few more hours until Tanna had to head for work and the boys had to leave a little bit after. So now, it was just Sydney, Nicole, and I were sitting in the living room and Syd and I couldn't help but eye Nicole.

"So Nicole" Sydney started as she got Nikki's attention. "What were you and Harry doing before?" She finished and Nicole just shrugged her shoulders and smirked.

"Talked" She said, sounding casual as she continued to read 50 Shades of Gray.

"You've got to be shitting me" I said. "You were in the same room as Harry Fucking Styles and all you did was talk?"

"Yeah" Nicole said and Sydney looked like she was going to commit murder.at any second. "What?" She then asked as she saw the look on Syd's face.

"Don't you fucking dare say the two of you just 'talked' when you were in your room. You two probably did something....and you need to fucking tell us what happened!"

"Nothing happened between us...like I said before, we just talked" Nicole said, chuckling a bit.

"You bitch something did happen" I exclaimed as I saw the way she looked. She had a smirk on her lips, and I know that smirk is hiding something.

"How about I tell you what happened" Nicole finally said and we all got a bit closer to her.

And then, she told us.


Harry's POV

"So you and Nicole?" Louis asked as soon as we closed the door to the girls place. 

"No," I opened our door, "Nothing really happened in her room." I went to  my room to change into pajama pants. I came out and made myself some hot chocolate. We were sitting around the tv, watching America's Next Top Model. 

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