34: Stand Up

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Kelly's POV

We were studying for about six hours and right before we were about to quit for the night, there was a knock at the door.

"Do you think that someone granted our wish for coffee?" Rick said getting up and going to the door.

"That would be lovely!" Nicole said as she rolled over, I have a feeling that she was about to fall asleep.

It wasn't a coffee man, but it was Harry and Liam, and they did have coffee. 

"How did you know to bring coffee?" I asked grabbing one of the cups from Liam.

"Who cares?!" Rick said thanking them.

"I got a text from Nicole a little bit ago," Harry said sitting down next to her, "she said something about how studing sucks, and that she could really use a ton of coffee."

"That was supposed to go on Twitter, but thank you anyway." Nicole said as she laid her head down on Harry's lap.

"No problem!" He leaned down and kissed her. 

Rick and Liam were having a conversation, and we all were kind of listening but not really paying attention. Harry was petting Nicole's hair and Traci was taking an online review quiz. 

"So didn't we say that you guys could only come in if there was an emergency?" I said ready to go to bed for an hour.

"It is an emergency! I wanted to see my girlfriend, and a coffee shortage is always an emergency!" Harry said.

"That was absoulety adorable, but I am way to tired to show emotion." Nicole said with her eyes close.

"Then why don't you get to bed?" 

"Carry me." 

Harry got up and carried her bridal style. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and nuzzled into his neck.

Harry's POV

I set Nicole down on her bed, and tired to let go, but she wouldn't let go of around my neck. 

"Stay with me tonight." 

"I can't, you need sleep, so you can study." 

"No, stay here with me. I sleep better with you, cause I am tired of sleeping alone."

"That was a good one, I will stay just, let me go tell Liam." I laughed, and put her down and pulled her covers over her. 

"No" Nicole whined as she grabbed her phone and sent a text to someone, and right after she put her phone down I heard a ringing from outside the room. So I figured that she texted either Liam or Kelly.

"There...now lay down next to me" Nicole said, but she didn't move a single inch on the bed, causing me to chuckle at her.

At some point I finally managed to get Nicole to move a bit so there was some room on the bed for me to lay down on. But as soon as I laid down, Nicole was soon snuggled up against me, her face pressed up against my chest. Which was a pretty cute sight.

"Night Harry" Nicole said tiredly as she let her eyes fall shut.

"Night babe" I whispered as I kissed the top of her head and smiled softly as I heard soft snores leaving her body. Then soon enoughthe warmth of the both of our bodies caused me to grow tired, so I laid my head on her pillow and closed my eyes.

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