15: Alive

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Kelly's POV


A few hours after we started to help around, Nicole and I were finally able to leave and head home. Yeah it was nice to help around, but I'm still tired from yesterday and this morning with the entire 'Holdren threatening One Direction' thing. But now Nicole and I are currently walking down the familiar sidewalk of New York City.

With our coats wrapped around us to help us get to our place without getting frostbite, Nicole and I continued to walk down the empty streets of New York as we carried out our small conversations.

I've always loved walking around New York at night. It's not as busy and crowed as it is during the day, and how the skyscrapers light up in the dark sky is just so beautiful. Plus it doesn't smell so much like car engines at night either since rush hour has ended and more people walk than take their cars.

"I don't think I can ever get use to living here" I said to Nicole and nodded her head in agreement.

"Same..every time I just walk around it still feels like the time we went here in freshman year"

"Yeah..it was just a new experience for all of us, the freedom we got as we just walked around the city with no one telling us where to go and how long" 

"I wish I could relive that day...I had such a fun time with you, Tanna, and Marty"

"Yeah..it kinda sucks not seeing your friends everyday" I said.

"Yeah...I love that I get to spend everyday with you and continue this chapter in our lives, but I miss seeing Kim, Lyn, Sierra, and Tanna everyday"

"Yeah..we can still go back to Pennsylvania for a bit and visit them, well, besides Tanna" I sighed. You see after we all graduated from high school, one of our friends RuthAnna, who we all call Tanna, wanted to just get away from everyone and start a new life in England. She comes back to America at least once or twice in the entire year. But that's usually around Independence Day and Christmas.

"Do you think we'll be able to see Tanna this year?" I asked.

"Hopefully...we usually go back home for Christmas, but I'm not sure if she'll be coming this year, since how much it cost to travel both ways" Nicole sighed.

Nicole and I have been talking to Tanna for a bit here and there whenever we all had free time, but school, plus work, plus a five hour time difference can be a pain in the ass most of the time.

"I hope we get to see her..it's been a while since we've got to probably talk to her."

"Yeah..maybe when we get back to the apartment we can try to skype with her"  Nicole suggested and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, we can do that" I smiled as we made the rest of our trip to our apartment in a nice silence.

When we got to the door of our apartment, we were hearing the TV, which we could both tell was probably up all the way, and we also heard numerous people on the other side of the door. Then we opened the door to find Nicole's family and the One Direction boys all smushed in our living room watching a football game. And no, not English football, which is soccer to us, but American football.

"We're home" Nicole said, but no one heard her, which was a bit of a shocker since Nicole was such a loud person. 

I shot Nicole a look before I walked behind our couch where Zayn was apparently sitting. I counted to three in my head before I yelled. "EYY WE'RE HOME" which caused everyone to jump and turn around to face me. I just smiled and patted Zayn's head before walking back to the kitchen to get myself a drink.

"Did you really have to do that?" Holden asked.

"Yes I did cheek bones because all of you are too busy with your stupid foot ball that you didn't even hear Nicole saying that we're home"

"Ok, seriously turn it down," Nicole screamed and when Matt turned it down, "We pay the energy bill so calm y'alls tits."


Zayn's POV


After having my ear drums busted by Kelly's voice, we were all back to watching American football, but Nicole was now sitting next to Harry and Kelly was sitting next to me.

"I still don't get why you guys call this football" Louis started, yet again about how it makes more sence to call what Americans call soccer, football, than what they call football.

"They don't even hit the ball with their foot! They just hold it and run!" Louis said. "But in 'soccer' you actually have to hit the ball with your foot to make it move, and to get a goal!"

"Louis" Kelly sighed. "I'm sorry if America is stupid and gets their sports mixed up, but can you please shut your trap I'm tired from working" I couldn't help but chuckle when Louis looked at her in his fake shocked look before huffing and sitting back against the couch. As that was happening, I ended up wrapping my arm around Kelly's shoulders and brought her closer to me, she didn't seem to mind as she didn't move away from me, so we just stayed where we were and watched the rest of this football game.

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