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Unknown Point of View

One month later...

It has been exactly three weeks since the boys left for Brazil.  Nicole and Harry have been keeping in touch as best as they can but since Harry is performing all the time and Nicole is either working or at school all the time it has put a strain on their relationship.  The girls decided that they were going to upgrade apartments because Sydney and Tanna were getting sick of being in the same room all the time.  So when the boys left the girls took their apartment.

Kelly was promoted to Head Manager of the dining floor at the bar and restaurant she works at.  Nicole got a new job as a secretary at a business firm, she decided that veterinary medicine wasn't where she wanted to be so she decided just to major in business.  Sydney was amazing at her job, her boss decided to allow a lot of her own input on some designs she had.  Tanna had found a job at another photography center, she now spends her time taking pictures of things and people to make others happy.

Two months later...

Kelly was getting ready for a date she had with a guy named Trace, he sat next to her in one of their classes and finally gathered up enough guts to ask her out.  She was putting on some mascara when she heard a scream coming from the living room.  Kelly ran out to find Sydney had received a large box of chocolates and a dozen roses asking if she would like to go on a weekend beach vacation with her boyfriend Chad. Tanna had decided that she was going to befriend her coworker at her office, so far Tim looked like he was in love.  Nicole, on the other hand, was just getting off the phone with Harry.  It was the first time they had talked in weeks. Kelly was starting to worry about her. Nicole wasn't eating as much, she never came out of her room, and when she smiled it was forced and painful to look at.  But Kelly, Tanna, and Sydney pushed it off hoping that one day she would start to be herself again.

Then there was Harry, to the public eye he was on cloud nine.  But in reality, he was on cloud eight. The boys were trying to get him to come out with them, but he wouldn't, he was spending all his free time trying to get a hold of Nicole. When they finally got to each other, they found that the conversation was lacking.  It didn't hold the same spunk it did when they were just mere seconds away from each other. Liam and Sophia had gotten back together and were stronger than ever. Louis and Zayn both got yelled at by their girlfriends saying that if they wanted to smoke they shouldn't let anyone know about it.  Niall was just Niall, crazy and extremely happy.

Three months later...

It was Nicole's day off, she was sleeping when there was a knock on the door. Kelly went to the door, only to find Harry standing there.  Harry had a long weekend off so he decided to see if he could save the relationship by visiting her.  What Harry didn't know was that Nicole only ate when Tanna, Sydney, and Kelly sat her down with a plate of food and forced her to eat.  She wasn't the same, she would take a shower, do her homework, go to school, go to work, and sleep; only to start it over the next day.  So when Kelly told Harry to expect the worst when he went into her room he did not expect enough.  Nicole was still sleeping, but you could see how tired she was.  She had dark circles under her hollow eyes, her long once very healthy looking hair is now thin and permanently in a pony tail. When he moved the covers back in order to lay with her and let her sleep, he saw how small she had gotten. Her once thick muscular legs are now thin and bony. Harry could feel her ribs through the shirt she was wearing when he ran his hands down her back.  She was wearing his shirt. Nicole woke up when she felt tear drops on her neck. She looked up to see Harry, when she saw the tears in his eyes she let herself cry for the first time since the day he left.

They held each other until late into the night when Harry ordered in Chinese food. Nicole ate until everything was gone, it was the first time she felt full in months. They talked for hours, late in the night they had come to the realization that they couldn't be away from each other. But they also couldn't be with each other at this very moment. Their careers wouldn't allow it. So they decided, even though it was killing them, to break up. 

Five months later...

Nicole was back on her feet, she had gotten onto a volleyball team with Traci and some mutual athletic friends. She was in what she called the best shape of her life. Her grades were through the roof, and she was just about to be promoted at her job.  Everything was going great for Kelly and Trace, they were thinking of having Trace move in with them.  Sydney and Chad were also doing great, and so were Tanna and Tim. One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer were about to start their American leg of the tour.  The girls had plans to go and see them months in advance. They didn't want to waste the tickets and Nicole had never been so when it was time for it they were going to go.


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