48: About The Boy

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Niall's Pov

After Kelly stormed out of the room, we all looked over at Nicole. She had her hand over her mouth, the top knuckle of her left ring finger had a small white bandage over it.  She started to laugh as she walked over to the coffee table with her hand still over her mouth as she slowly started to close her laptop.

"Nic-" Harry started and she just put up her other finger up in a "hold on, I'll be with you in a minute' type of way. She walked to Kelly's door and lightly rapped on it with her knuckles, she was trying to control her laughter.

"Not know Nicole!" Kelly shouted from the other side of her door, but Nicole opened it up anyway.

"Kelly are you honestly going to sit here and boohoo just because the guys found our Tumblr's?"

Kelly mumbled something incoherent.

"Well that is absolutely pathetic. Of all the things you could be over-joyed about, you think that the guys finding out about Tumblr is something to bring you down?!"

"I have had a pretty bad week, Nicole!"

"I have had a pretty bad life, Kelly! You don't hear me bitching about it everyday, or see me moping around. I get the whole Jeff thing, I really do! But he is just a guy, there is going to be more! You had your heart broken, congratulations it's going to happen again. But seeing you sitting around here like this, is breaking my heart more than yours will ever be!"

The door opened and I saw the back side of Nicole, "You are my sister Kelly, and I can't stand this anymore, you have twenty minutes to take a shower, do your hair, and get dressed for work, or I will drag you there in your fuzzy pajama's. WHEN THE HELL DID YOU HAVE TIME TO CHANGE YOUR PANTS? Nevermind, not important, what is important is that you get ready for work like the big girl you are!"

She then closed the door walked back out into the living room and started laughing again, "You guys found our Tumblrs!"

She went into the closet and found some black pants. "Ok so, Tumblr is different, she likes to be able to connect with people that like the same things as her, and are from other parts of the world. For me Tumblr is a past time. Which is probably why I don't have as many followers. Anyway. How was your day?"

She pulled out a ironing board and started ironing her pants.

"Well we were going to ask if you ladies wanted to doing something but you weren't here." I said a little rattled at what was going on.

"Why is there a bandage on your finger?" Zayn asked.

"OH my gosh, I forgot!" She ran over to the couch and plopped down in between Harry and Liam, "I got a new tattoo!"

"Really!? I want to see!" Liam said and Harry started to help her take off the bandage.

It was a little heart with an infinity sign in it.  It was actually pretty cute.

"That's actually pretty cute." I said Nicole smiled and sent me a thumbs up.

Kelly came out of the bathroom and asked Nicole if she was ready to go, Nicole got up and ran to go change.

"So Sydney and Tanna should be back in about thirty minutes," Nicole said coming out of her room, she gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a jacket, "Kelly and I will be back by 11. See you guys later!"

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