43: Stand Down

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Kelly’s POV

"Hey we’re here" a familiar deep voice said.

"And we got the pizza you asked for" Another one said.

"What do you mean the pizza we asked for?" I asked as I turned around and gave Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall a confused look as they got three boxes of pizza in their hand.

"Yeah, Harry got a text from Nicole-" Niall started before I cut him off.

"I heard enough" I chuckled. Once I heard that Nicole texted them I knew what happened.

"You guys need to learn not to listen to Nicole with she’s drunk, tired, or hungover" I said. "She starts to ramble about pizza then she’ll ask one of us to get her some because she can’t stop thinking about it."

The other boys just nodded their heads. "So what do you want us to do with the pizza?" Niall asked as he lifted the boxes up a bit in his arm.

"Well we're not going to let them go to waste" Tanna said. "Just put them on the table and I'll get us paper plates.

Once there were plates in our hands we couldn't help ourselves and grab multiple slices of pizza. As we were eating we were also telling jokes, Harry even made us laugh at his surprisingly. Nicole got less and less nutty as the time passed, and it was something that I was glad for.

But all of a sudden we all shushed as we heard a knock from the door.

"I'll get it" I said as I got up from where I was sitting, because no one else was making any sign of moving as they just continued to chew on their pizza. But I soon opened the door and smiled as I saw a familiar face.


Zayn's POV

As we were all sitting down and eating our pizza, all of our gazes shifted from our food to the door where we saw Jeff at the door and Kelly smiling widely.

"Hey babe" Jeff smiled as Kelly let him into their apartment. "I've haven't been here in a while so I decided to give you a visit"

"Thanks, why don't you sit and eat some pizza with us? I'm sure there's some for you" Kelly said as she led Jeff to all of us before they both took a seat on the floor and Jeff got himself a slice of pizza and the rest of us continued the conversation we were having before eff arrived.


"I'm going to use the bathroom" Jeff said about an hour into his visit as we were now all doing our own different things.

Kelly, Tanna, Sydney, Liam, Niall, and Louis are all in the kitchen, just having a really loud conversation, which doesn't surprise me one bit since they're always loud. Then Harry and Nicole are on the couch watching a movie and I'm on the opposite couch of them doing the same exact thing.


My head snapped to the side table that was right next to me that has a iPhone that has a new message. It's probably mine, I thought since all of my other things were on the table. I picked up the phone and opened the message that's from 'My Babe'

I don't remember changing Perrie's name to that on my phone. maybe she did that when she was over a bit ago. So not giving that a thought I opened that text and read,

From: My Babe

heyy jeff!! i can't wait to see you tonight ;)


Wait. This is Jeff's phone.

I looked over at Kelly who seems to be too busy talking, and her phone is next to Nicole's phone.


Another message was sent but before I could see what it read the bathroom door opened and I locked the phone and put it back on the table as Jeff walked over to his phone before opening it and checking his messages. A smile showed on his lips as he looked over at Kelly before he walked on over to the group in the kitchen and I could hear him say,

"Hey I got to get going, I promised some friends that I'll meet up with them tonight"

"Alright, I'll talk to you later" Kelly smiled before Jeff pecked her lips and left.

My god.

Jeff's cheating on Kelly.

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