3: Something Great

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Zayn's POV


As soon as the girls look up at us, it looked like as if they saw a ghost. Wide eyes, pale skin, and their mouths were hung open as if they're was going to say something...maybe even scream. 

"I...uh...I'm sorry" One said quickly, but she didn't move or anything. Just stood there.

Right now I'm starting to believe that they're fans, but I'm silently hoping that they aren't. I love our fans and all but I can say that we're all tired and we just want to just relax. "Hey ar-" I started to say, but I was cut off by the girs apologizing again before running back around the corner.


Kelly's POV


Oh my god.

We just bumped into One Direction. 

Wait....We just made a fools of ourselves in front of One Direction. They probably think that we're freaks or something. I don't want that! They're my idols, the five boys that I was fallen in love with ever since I watched What Makes You Beautiful.

But wait...what are they doing here in New York City? I thought they were back in London since they've finished their North American tour. And second of all, what are they doing here? Shouldn't they be at one of those expensive hotels around here, and not in an apartment building. 

"Nicole" I whispered, loud enough for her to hear. "That was One Direction"

"I know!" Nicole exclamed.

"Will you be quiet! They can probably hear us" I placed my hand over her mouth to only have her lick it.

"They probably thinks that we're freaks!" I said softly. "I don't want them to think that about us!"

"Try to think positive Kelly! Maybe they don't think that we're freaks...they just caught us at a bad moment" Nicole said reassuringly.

"Alright..okay I guess you're right" I nodded. "We should probably get heading before we're late for work" I added and Nicole nodded her head in agreement before linked arms and turned the corner again to only have One Direction still standing in the same position what they were in before.

"Hello ladies" Harry said, sending us dimpled smile, and I could already feel Nicole trying to hold herself back. "Do you think you can help us finding room 116?" He asked us.

Gulping in a scream, I sent them a smile and nodded. "Yeah...room 116 is right next to ours 115...it's just around this corner" I pointed to the corner where our apartment is.

Harry smiled "Thank you" He said before he and Liam, Niall, and Zayn walked around the corner.

"Nikki..." I said slowly.

"Yeah...?" She said as if she knew what I was about to say.

"I think One Direction are our neighbors.."


Harry's POV


After we got directions to our room by those girls we made our way to our new aparentment. Liam, who had the key opened the door for us and we all walked in. 

"Well, looks like this is going to be our home for a bit lads" Liam said as he placed the key on the kitchen counter. "Let's try to make the best of it"

"Let's start by picking our rooms so we don't have to fuss about it when our things get here tonight" Louis said as he walked down one of the halls in the apartment.


A few hours have passed as me and the lads are waiting for our things to arrive.

"Do you know when they said we're getting our things?" Niall asked Liam as he looked on his phone.

"They said around 7-8:30" Liam answered as he looked down at his phone. "It's now 8:17 so they should be here shortly with our things" he added before we heard a knock on our door.

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