25: I Would

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Harry's POV

I stood in front of Nicole and smiled. I could see Kelly and Sydney making comments behind her. "So I see that you told them, yeah?" I asked and Nicole's cheeks flushed into a cute blush as she nodded her head.

"Yeah...my friends kinda were forcing me to tell them" She said as she rubbed the back of her neck before I heard the boys telling me that we had to go.

"Well, I'll see you in a few days" I said before I walked away from the door frame and went with the boys.

RuthAnna's POV

It's been a few days since I talked to Nikki, Syd, and Kelly and found out that One Direction lived next to them. And since I've been sent to New York to go all pap on the boys, without them knowing though, I'm going to use these girls for my advanage, and revenge since they make me look like a complete idiot in front of them, well, not really in front of them, but you get the point.

I'm now currently getting off the plane in New York and none of the girls know what time I was going to be here, and since they're busy, I'm just going to arrive at their place.

After I got my suitcases I called myself up a cab to take me to the apartment building that the Kelly, Syd, and Nikki, and who can forget One Direction.

I waited for the cab for a few minutes before it pulled right in front of me, then I was off.


When I got out of the cab I grabbed my bags and walked in and up to their floor and knocked on their door.

Kelly's POV

It was about 2 am when we heard knocking at the door. Knowing that everyone was too lazy to go get it, I was the one who got out of bed and walked to the door to open it. "The fuck Tanna?" I said as I saw the familiar purple/blue hair standing in front of me.

"What?" She asked.

"I missed you and all, but did you really have to come at this god forsaken hour?" I asked and Tanna just laughed.

"That's what you get for not telling me about One Direction being your neighbors noobie"

"I'm going back to sleep" I said before I walked back into my bedroom.

"Wait! Where do I sleep," She yelled walking in further.

"The fucking couch, now stop screaming and go to sleep." Nicole yelled from her room.

Sydney's POV

I woke up around six thirty with Nicole and Kelly standing over me.

"So you know how Tanna woke us all up at oh-my-god in the morning earlier?" Nicole asked giving me coffee, I nodded my head, "Well she is sleeping on the couch, and it is pay back time." 

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