33: Moments

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Nicole's POV

Kelly and I were sitting in one of our college classes with Traci, listening to the professor go over what was going to be on our finals. I had my computer taking notes, while I sat back and paid attention and drank some of my Coke.

We had about ten mintues left in class when the door opened. The girls in the class started bustling around with nervous and excited giggles. While some of the guys had no idea what was going on, Kelly. Traci, and I looked at each other while the professor asked, "Can I help you gentlemen?"

"Yes, we are hear to pick up Nicole and Kelly?" Harry asked finding us in the crowd.

"Oh, hey, um, hi. We will be out in ten minutes, why don't you go wait in the car or taxi, or whatever you came in." Kelly said and I just nodded along with her.

"Actually I have a strong feeling that, I won't be able to get you guys back under control, and I was finished anyway. So good luck my students, and May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor." Professor Smith said, and all the girls in the class took off running.

I still don't know how, we got out of there with the guys all intact. Its kind of ridiculous, we got into my car, the guys had been walking around when they came to the college. They just wanted to say hi. I started driving back home, and I looked back in the rearview mirror to see Liam looking out the window, he had a smile on his face. 

"How are you doing Liam?" I asked.

"Right now, I am doing amazing, I feel wonderful." He smiled, I looked at Kelly and she set up my phone to play some Little Mix.

After we replayed Move four times, we pulled into the garage. When we went upstairs, Tanna and Sydney were watching American Idol, and eating pizza.

"When was the last time we actually had healthy food?" Kelly asked.

"Before the girls moved in." I said, if you looked through our fridge, you would see leftover boxes out the booty.

"OK, from now on, this house hold will only be allowed to order take in, twice a week." I said and Kelly nodded her head in agreement.

"Why?!" Tanna said.

"Because before you and Sydney moved in, we had healthy stuff and we had take out once a week." Kelly said. My phone went off, "End of discussion, our house, our rules." I sassed.

"Oh Kelly, Rick and Traci are coming over to study for finals." I showed her the text.

I went to go change into study clothes, while Kelly took out the trash, I came out in a sports bra and sweat pants. I was pulling out my backpack when their was a knock on the door. Kelly beat me to it, Rick and Traci barged in with bookbags filled with notecards and coffee. 

I walked into the living room and turned off the tv, "For the next week, only students who names are Kelly Bird, Nicole Hagler, Rick Ronalds, and Traci James, are allowed into this apartment. We will be studying for finals. Girls you can come in shower and change and junk, and guys don't come in unless it's for an emergency. Now get out!"

I lifted up my left arm and pointed to the door, I turned just a little bit to see what Rick was doing when Harry started yelling, "OH my gosh, that's where your tattoo is!"

"She has a tattoo?!" Niall yelled, and I was tackled and held down by Louis and Zayn as they looked at the tattoo that said 'I have lived a thousand lives.' with a stack of books above it.

"OH it's cute!" Harry said helping me up and giving me a kiss. 

"Yea, its freaking adorable," Kelly said, "Now get out."

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