21: Heart Attack

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Liam's POV

Nicole opened up the door and in walked Kelly, and I'm guessing Sydney.  She took one look at us and just opened her mouth. 

"Nicole? Is that?"

"Yep!" Nicole sat down on the bed next to Harry.

"Sydney they are really there sweetheart. You can go say hi." Kelly gave her a small push.

She walked slowly to the bed as if not to scare us away. 

"Hi, I'm Zayn," Zayn started, "this is Niall, Harry, Liam, and Louis."

And all together we said, "And we're One Direction!"

Then she ran out of the room crying.

"I will go talk to her." Nicole said climbing off the bed.

"Do you know what's wrong?" I asked Kelly, and she shrugged.


Nicole's POV

"Sydney, what's wrong?!" I asked, she had run into the living room.

"I can't believe you!!" She cried.

"What?!" I was starting to get really concerned.

"I can't believe you would let me meet them, looking like this! I was on a plane all day! I look like crap!" she looked at me with a smile.

I breathed a sigh of relief, "I am going to kill you! You had me so fucking worried!" I started laughing, "Its ok, one of the first time I was hanging out with them, I came out in a towel after a shower!"

 "Oh my god...I would've died if that was me!" Sydney said, and I nodded my head.

"How do you think I felt? I was basically naked?" I said, laughing a bit at the memory.

"Hey guys, the boys want to know how Sydney is" Kelly said as she walked out of the guest bedroom. "They're a bit worried about before"

"Yeah..I just look like shit" Sydney said.

"Do you want to meet them more properly?" Kelly asked with a small chuckle in her voice and Sydney nodded her head. "Okay boys, you can come out now" Kelly then shouted and then the five boys came out of the guest room with sheepish smiles on their faces.

"Hey are you okay?" Liam asked as he approached Sydney and I could feel the heat that was radiating off of Sydney's cheeks from over here.

"Yeah...I am, sorry about before" Sydney said, looking up at Liam shyly. Liam smiled brightly down at Sydney and nodded his head.

"It's okay, really" He said as he rubbed the back of his head.


Sydney's POV


I soon forgot about how bad I looked right now. I was talking to Liam FUCKING Payne. I think I'm going to faint. What if I do faint? Will Liam catch me. I bet he will..I mean look at those muscles that boys has on his arms? Like damn.

"I'm Liam" Liam then said, snapping me out of my train of thought as he brought his hand in front of us. In the corner of my eyes I can see Kelly and Nicole standing next to Zayn and Harry. Those bitches.

"I'm Sydney" I finally said, shaking his hand back and my god his hand is so warm and strong. I'm in love.

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