26: She's Not Afriad

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Nicole's POV

His lips felt softer than words can describe. The kiss was gentle, yet so rough on my lips, but I can't help but melt in Harry's hands as he kissed me. My eyelashes laid on my cheeks gently as I moved my lips against his in a rhythmic motion. His hands felt safe, even though they were on my face, and due to his height, Harry was leaning down a bit so our lips were able to meet.

I wasn't even sure how long we've been kissing until we both heard a crowd of 'gettin it!' 'use protection' 'pda!' behind us, which caused us to break apart.

"You guys are assholes" I said and Kelly, Sydney, and Tanna all made kissy faces at me, and I could feel my face start to heat up, but thankfully, Harry being the only nice human being in the room wrapped his long arms around my shoulders and let me hide my face in his chiseled chest.

"You okay babe?" Harry asked in a small chuckle and I couldn't help but smile as I felt his chest rumble at each small laugh that left those plump pink lips of his as he rested his chin on the tip of my head as he continued to talk to the others.

I can't even believe that this is happening. Me being in Harry's arms. Harry calling me babe. Harry kissing me! I feel like the luckiest girl on the Earth.

But sadly enough, that moment ended when Harry moved a away a bit to speak. "How about instead of eating pizza, how about the lads and I take you all out to eat" He said smiling his dimple popping smile. "It can be a thank you for dealing with us for all this time."

"Do you realize that we are all in sweats and we just ate a thing of pizza?" I asked not wanting to leave his arms.

"Maybe we can go see a movie than go for ice cream or hot chocolate, afterwards." Niall suggested.

"Actually that sounds, great!" Sydney and Tanna said at the same time.

"I will go get changed." I said walking into my room. Kelly came in after me, she was smiling at me all weird, "Kelly, my mom hasn't texted me to tell me happy birthday." I changed my pants.

"Oh that doesn't matter right now, the more important question is, are you and Harry a thing?" She pulled out a shirt that she says make my boobs look really good.

"You're in love with that shirt aren't you?" Kelly asked as she looked at me as I nodded.

"Of course I do!" I said. "They make my boobs look fantastic!"

Kelly rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I bet Harry won't mind your fantastic looking boobs tonight" She smirked before walking out of my room. I followed after her and soon enough we all left.

Zayn's POV

When Kelly and Nicole were in Nicole's room the lads and I decided to use this time to our advantage. "So you and Nicole ey?" Niall started, a smirk on his lips and Harry just pushed his shoulder.

"What about us?" He asked as he took a seat on the couch and we all followed along and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Are you two a thing now?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I dunno...we kissed, but that's it" Harry said.

"Why don't you ask her?" Liam said. "It's better than not knowing.'

Harry nodded his head as he looked like he was thinking.

"Alright, I'll ask her tonight"

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