30: Loved You First

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Nicole's POV

I walked back into my apartment with Traci, we were both panting because to finish out our workout we decided to walk up the stairs. 

"Remind me to never let you talk me into going up the stairs again." I said as I walked into the apartment.

"That wasn't my best idea, just give me water." She said laying down on the floor.

"Come on lazy ass, lets go into the living room." I pulled her legs until we were in there.

I sat down next to her and gave her a water, I looked up and saw everyone just sitting on the couch.

"Oh hey!" I said and Traci sat up and gave a wide eyed look.

"Hey Traci," Kelly said not really being fazed.

"Nicole, can I talk to you in your room?" Traci asked very sweetly.

"I almost don't want to. I know what you are going to say." But I didn't get a choice, because she grabbed my legs, and pulled me away.

"Nicole! You know I don't lke them!" She yelled. 

"I know! And I am sorry, but one of them happen to be my boyfriend!" 

"Are you going to make me hang out with them?"

"Maybe a little, because you know you love me!"

"That's because you are easy to love! LIke a teddy bear that bites!" 

"That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me!"I hugged her. 

"Yea, now lets go bake a cake."


When Friday came along, I had to pull Kelly out of bed. 

"You are getting your ass out of bed and going out with Jeff!" I screamed as she fell on the floor.

Three hours later, she was in the bathroom getting ready, I was sitting on the couch with Harry looking at his tattoos that his tight black t-shirt didn't cover up.

"Why is Kelly taking longer than you?" He asked smiling because he caught me staring.

"Because she is crazy, and I don't take that long, but Tanna and Sydney were also in the bathroom."

"Why are you staring at my tattoos?" 

"Because I love tattoos."

"Do you have any of your own?" I blushed.


"Where? and What?"

"You'll have to wait until our third date" I said with a smile and Harry scoff and rolled his eyes playfully, and before he was able to say anything, the bathroom door opened showing Kelly who was actually wearing makeup, one of her sweaters that she got at Forever 21, a pair of black skinny jeans, and some boots.

"How do I look?" She asked and I got up to look at her.

"Assless, but you look gorgeous" I said and Kelly gave me one of those half glares and then soon enough, Harry, Kelly, and I made our way out of the apartment so we could meet Jeff at the bowling alley.

And I can already tell that this is going to be a date to remember.

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