46: Boy

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Nicole's POV

Kelly and I ended up walking back to our apartment holding hands, while Harry very nicely carried our bags.  When we got back into our apartment, Kelly ran right into the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Nicole, I need to talk to you." Zayn said.

"Now isn't a good time Zayn, give me like twenty minutes." I said grabbing a pint of ice cream out of the fridge.

"No, Nicole this is about Kelly."

"I need to go be with Kelly right now, I will talk to you in a little bit." I walked through the living room.

"Jeff is cheating on Kelly." He yelled and the whole room went quite, all eyes were on us now.

"You don't think I know that?" I was getting mad, "You don't think that the whole reason my best friend is in the bathroom crying right now is because her boyfriend was fucking cheating on her?"

His face dropped, "I didn't think you knew, I saw a text last night on his phone and I-"

"What do you mean you saw a text on his phone?!" I yelled.

"He got a text and I read it thinking it was my phone, but I didn't know what to do! So I called Perrie, and she said to talk to you about it, by the time I got off the phone, you guys already left to go shopping."

"YOU KNEW LAST NIGHT AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME UNTIL RIGHT NOW BECAUSE YOU NEEDED TO CALL YOUR FIANCE?!" I exploded, "How about this next time something that big happens, we go straight to me?! Understand?!" I pointed to him then to everyone else in the room.

They all nodded then I walked into the bathroom.

"Kelly, sweetie. I brought you ice cream." I handed it to her and she looked up to me and gave me the fakest smile I have ever seen on her face.

"Nicole, is it ok if I cry right now, for like a couple of hours?" Tears welling up in her eyes. I grabbed her up in my arms and told her that she could cry but, not in the bathroom, she needed to go to her room. It would be way more comfortable.

After I got her into her room I walked out into the living room, "Alright, someone else go sit with her, I can't see her hurt like this anymore."

Sydney and Tanna got up to go and talk to her. "Zayn can I talk to you in the kitchen?" I said as I started the water to hand wash some pots and pans.

"I really don't want to get yelled at, but sure."

"I'm not gonna yell at you. I just wanted to say that i'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just so stressed out with her. I hate seeing her being hurt."

"It's fine Nicole, I should have told you right away." He grabbed a pot and started to help me wash them.

"No, you did the right thing, I would have freaked, and then probably not have believed you."

"So I hear that Harry told ya, he loves you. How does that feel?"

I got all smiley and blushy. "Perrie does the same thing when I compliment her," He said laughing.

"We have a great little group don't we Zayn?"

"We certainly do Nicole, we certainly do."

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