44: These Four Walls

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Zayn's POV

I had a inner dilemma over weather or not to tell her. I had called Perrie, "Babe, I just don't know what to do. I don't want her to get hurt, but I don't want it to seem like I was jealous so I snooped through his phone."

"Well," she paused, "what I think you should do is, give it a couple of days, see if maybe Jeff tells her himself. If he doesn't, tell Nicole, she seems like she would do anything to protect Kelly. I have to go, I love you and I will call you later. Keep me updated, okay?"

"Alright love, I love you too." I said and we hung up.

Nicole's POV

The next day I was feeling much better, I told myself that when Kelly, Jeff, Harry and I went shopping today, I would only drink water.  We decided that we wanted to go and try to find some end of the year sales.  So we went to some high end shops that we never go to unless they have some pretty killer sales.

So we were walking around this shop, Harry picked up a really cute jacket and said, "This would look amazing with that pair of black jeans you have."

It took me a second to realize what pair of jeans he was talking about, "Oh the ones that I wear with those black boots?"

He nodded his head, "Here I will get it for you." 

He draped it over his arm with the other shirts that he was going to get, "I don't think so, I am a 19 year old women with a well paying job who is more than capable of not using her overly rich and famous boyfriend to buy her stuff! But thank you for the offer."

I smiled up at him, and he smiled back showing off his dimples, "That's why I love you, you are so independent but not." He looked at the price tag, "But this costs 200 dollars on sale, are you sure you don't want me to buy it?"

I looked at him, I know he had asked me again if I wanted him to buy it for me again, but all I was thinking about was how he just said he loves me, then I remembered the price, "Fine, but I get to buy you an ice cream." I could not control my smile.

"That sounds like an amazing idea. We should find Kelly and Jeff."

"Yea, did you mean it?" I said as I grabbed his hand and walked around still looking at the clothes not really seeing anything last night.

"What, when I said I love you?"


"Well see the thing is, when the lads and I were traveling to go do interviews.  All I could think about was how I just wanted to go back home and see my girlfriend who is so real with everything. Between how you talk to your parents and how you talk to us, like you and Kelly both. You and Kelly both have never had to hold back what you guys were going to say because we are celebrities. And I fallen in love with the way I fell in love with your natural self. So yes, I love you." He breathed then looked over at a stack of shirts, possibly embarrassed over the fact he poured his heart out in the middle of a clothing store.

When he said that he loved me, I felt my insides melt. Love was a word that I had come to avoid with every waking fiber in my body.  But with Harry, all I wanted to do was hear him say it over and over again.

I grabbed his chin and pulled his head back to me, I stood on my tip-toes and kissed him.  The kiss lasted long with light hums that added a certain tone that said 'don't break us up, but don't worry that we might start having random sex, we won't.'

We came up for air, "I love you too, Harry."

He smiled at me then looked up, "Oh there's Kelly and Jeff. Do you think that if we hide under the table they won't see us and maybe go back home?"

My face was still in his hands, "No, I have the car keys."

"Damn." He said with a wonderful smile.


After we checked out, we went to a ice cream place down the street. I bought Harry a banana split and I got a mint chocolate ice cream cone. Kelly and Jeff got a sundae and split it.

We were halfway through our conversation about how Kelly and I were taking less classes this semester but they were harder classes, so I kind of balanced it self out, when a bleach blonde overly skinny under dressed white girl came up to our table.

"OHMIGOSH Jeff!!!! It's so good to see you here!! How are you baby?!" Then she looked at Kelly, "Who is this Jeffie?"

"Um," Kelly looked pissed, "I'm his girlfriend, who are YOU?"

"I'm Jeff's girlfriend."

"Hey, Nicole lets go do something, not this." Harry said grabbing my arm.

"We will be in the car when you are ready Kelly." I said as I grabbed his hand and walked out of the shop and went to the car.

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