16: You & I

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Nicole's POV

"WHAT? That was holding!" Matt screamed causing me to wake up with a jolt, and hit Harry. 

"Ouch!" He said rubbing his chest and smiliing at me, "Did someone get scared awake?"

"Yes because the humans don't know-" I was interrupted by the house phone ringing.

"What is that?" My mom asked turning the tv down a little.

"That would be the house phone." I said giving Kelly a scared look, "We never use it. We only get calls if there is something up with the building. Hello?"

"Hi is the room 115, home of Kelly Bird and Nicole Hagler?" 

"Yes, who is calling?"

"This is Ben Winters, your landlord."  I shot Kelly a look of concern.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?" I was getting nervous.

"According to your contract, you are not allowed to have loud noises in your apartment after nine, Ma'am it is ten thirty." Ben said sounding exasperated, "I have been getting a lot of complaints so, if I get one more then I am going to have to fine you, two hundred dollars."

"Thank you sir, for the warning, I will be sure to send these humans to bed. Goodnight. " I gulped as everyone screamed.

 I did a monkey jump, tuck and roll over to the tv and turned it off. My brothers looked as if he might kill me, and so did everyone else. "Listen up and listen good, there is a rule in the complex saying that quite time is at nine," I looked around at everyone.

"So? Get out of the way." Holden said turning the tv back on. 

I turned it back of and took the remote away from him, "I don't think you understand what I am saying. If you want to turn the tv on, Holden, then you can fess up two hundred and fifty bucks. Which is exactly how much Kelly and I are going to get fined if we don't quite down." 

"So what, I still don't understand." Niall said.

"What that means, " Kelly said getting up from next to Zayn and standing next to me, "is that we would be out a lot of money."

"It might not be that much for you guys," I pointed to the guys, "who are super rich, or to my family who have stable jobs that pay enough money, but to Kelly and I that is half of how much we spend in a week if you split it all up."

"So yea, this means a lot." Kelly said.

We turned back on the tv, but I turned it way down and sprayed my brothers with a water bottle if they got to loud. Eventually they got the point, and in the third quarter I got really sleepy so I went and took a shower. When I came back everyone was still in the same position, I went into my room to do some studying and fell asleep on my bed. What felt like three hours later, Harry woke me up.

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