31: Nobody Compares

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Harry's POV

We went to the bowling alley, Nicole and Kelly looked great, I figured out that they act like sisters. They make of fun of each other like sisters and they love each other.

It's crazy to believe that I am finally dating a fan. I have always wanted to, but I could never find one that only seemed to like me for me, and not my money or fame. The great thing about Nicole is that she doesn't act one way around me and one way around her other friends.

"So when does Jeff get here?" I asked Kelly as Nicole got her shoes.

"He just walked through the door." She said waving.

He came over, he was dressed in a black shirt and jeans. It almost looked like we were wearing the same thing.

"Hey Kelly!" Jeff said as he gave her a hug.

"Jeff these are my friends, Nicole and Harry." She pointed us out and we decided to get our food and eat while bowling.

Nicole walked up to the window with Kelly, "Can I have a sandwich burger?"

Kelly and the girl who worked the window looked at Nicole with a baffled face.

"Oh jeez, I need more sleep. Can I have a cheese burger with a medium coke please?"

"Sure no problem," the lady said, "and for you?"

"Can I have nachos with a medium Dr. Pepper? Please?"

The lady nodded and they paid, after they stepped away, Jeff and I ordered, we both got hamburgers and onion rings.

We went to go bowl, we put our names in and picked random, Nicole's name got called first. She went up and bowled a spare, she turned around and bowed, then came up to where we had the food, she took a giant bite of her sandwich.

"Chis uw a rwelly gwwd daneigh." She said, and I laughed and wiped off some ketchup from her chin.

"You are a messy eater, and you eat a lot. Aren't college girls supposed to eat only salads or something like that?"

She took a drink of coke, "Why would I eat a salad when I could eat a thing of chips or a burger? I have always ate a lot."

"I like the way you think." I wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on her head, we watched and ate fries and onion rings as Jeff tried to teach Kelly how to bowl.

"All you have to do is aim, and keep your arm straight." He said then he wrapped his arms around her in order to show her, Nicole started hitting my hand lightly, she looked up at me and smiled.

"This is getting steamy!" She was- fangirling? Over Jeff and Kelly.

"Is this how you act when you see something cute?"

"This is how I acted when I first saw you."

I could swoon right now. The fact that she had a tattoo was starting to bother me, I really wanted to know what it was and where it was. Nicole always seemed to protect the sides of her torso more than anything else, so I got an idea.

"So is your tattoo here?" I poked her side and she squealed and pushed me away.

"Don't ever poke my side's again! Now it's your turn to bowl." She laughed and smiled as Kelly came up and grabbed Nicole and smiled really big.

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