11: Little Black Dress

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Kelly's POV


A few days have passed since we've talked to the boys, since we've all been very busy, we had to call off our cleaning and shopping trip because the guys had to work. The days until Thanksgiving got smaller and smaller, and now it's the Tuesday before and my family apparently had plans to stay home for the holiday without informing me. But just because my parents aren't going doesn't mean me and Nicole aren't going to have a holiday meal, and Nicole's family is still coming up for the holiday.

So right now me and Nicole just got off from our last day of work for the next few days, plus we got paid so we don't have to starve before Thursday. 

"Hey Nicole" I said as her and I walked through the cold city side walk. 

"Yeah Kelly?" She asked as she pulled her jacket in close, trying to keep herself warm.

"We should do something tonight, like since we're going to be all busy tomorrow with cooking, I think it'll be nice to just go out and have fun"

"I don't know...what would we even do with the weather as cold as this?"

"Maybe we can go to a club? We're both legal adults, even though we can't drink."

"I guess.." Nicole said as we turned to walk into our apartment building.

We continued in our conversation on our way up to our apartment until we bumped into five familiar faces.

"Oh..hi" Harry said, smiling as his dimples popped out. "Sorry for bumping into you two"

"It's okay" Nicole smiled back. "Are you guys going anywhere?" 

"Yeah, we all wanted to go out tonight so we're going clubbing tonight" Harry answered and the other four nodded their heads in agreement.

"Awesome! We were actually planning on going out tonight also" Nicole said to the five boys.

"Really now?" Harry said. "Why don't we wait up for you two and we can all go together"

Nicole and I looked at eachother and thought about it for a few seconds before looking back at the boys.

"We'll love to"


We had a lot of fun clubbing on Tuesday, even was even more fun watching Louis get drunk. Now it is 4:30 in the morning and Nicole and I are up, in our pajamas, trying to figure out how to make a turkey. We told the guys last night that they are more than welcome to join us. They accepted and said that they would bring over some food.

"So when is your family coming in, Nicole?" Kelly asked stiring some broth.

"Mom and Eric and Holden are driving in, they said that they would be here before 3, I have to pick up Dad, Christy, Matt, and Alex, at the airport at 12." Nicole said reading directions for the turkey three times over.

We heard a knock on the open apartment door, and Harry popped his head in. "I woke to pee and smelled something delicious! What's going on?"

"Oh nothing much, we were just starting the turkey, and Nicole was telling me about having to pick up her parents from the airport." I said sipping my coffee.

"Do you have a car, Nicole?" He asked.

"Yea, Kelly and I have our cars in the underground parking space directly under the building, only for this building. We basically camp out there so we don't lose our spots, even though we have passes." Nicole said making coffee for her and Harry.

"So do you gals need any help?" harry asked as he looked around our, now messy, kitchen.

"We need all the help we can get right now" I chuckled as I started to make stuffing for the turkey.


Nicole's POV


Harry helped us for a couple of hours until Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall just walked into our apartment seeing if we saw Harry before wisking him back into their apartment before we could thank him for helping us.

"Now we just have to let these things cook until they're done then we can eat" Kelly said.

"That's great! I'm going to go take a shower because I smell like turkey" I said as I pulled a face, causing Kelly to chuckle before I walked into the bathroom.


As I put my hair up in a towel, I could hear a familiar voice come from the other side of the door. Smiling, I opened the door to the sight of my mom talking to Kelly and Eric.

"Hey guys!" I said as I pulled my mom in for a hug. "Long time no see, eh?" I asked.

"It's been a few months since I've saw you, yeah" My mom smiled as we pulled away from the hug. I hugged Eric and Holden as well. 

"You guys got here early! I was just about to leave to go get Dad and Christy. Oh! Before I forget, we are going to be having some guest over in a bit" I said, remembering that the boys said that they'll have dinner with us.

And as soon as I got done saying that, there was a knock on our door.

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