47: Good Enough

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Nicole's POV

I was just scrolling down my tumblr dashboard as I heard the sound of light crying coming from Kelly's room. I sighed as I got up from the couch as I made my way to Kelly's room.

I honestly hate seeing her like this. She always fakes a smile whenever when she's out of her room so everyone thinks that she's fine and she's over the whole situation with Jeff. It saddens me to know that people actually believe that she's fine, but they're not the ones who can hear her crying under her music at night.

Tonight is one of those nights and I've had it up to here with it her being sad. So I barged into her room to only find her on her bed, on tumblr. 

"Not this again" I sighed as I saw that she was on the break up tag on tumblr. "Kelly we're going out"

"I don't want to" Kelly mumbled as she continued to scroll down the tag.

"I didn't ask you if wanted to or not" I said, "you're going" and with that, I grabbed Kelly's laptop and held it in my arms.

"Give me my laptop!" She yelled.

"No! I'm not giving you your laptop back until we are back from the tattoo parlor.

"Why do I have to go there?"

"Because, I need someone to hold my hand" I said, I may sound a bit childish, but getting a tattoo can hurt.

"Fine" She grumbled, "just let me get dressed"

"Alright, I'll be in the living room" I said before exiting.

Harry's Pov

Niall and I went to the girls apartment to see if they wanted to go out and do something, but when we got there, all the girls were gone but two laptops were open on the coffee table. We sat down and turned on the tv while I sent a text message to Nicole asking were she was.

I looked on the computer, I saw a picture of Perrie and Jesy walking down the street, but above that I saw a picture of me in my yellow swim shorts with a caption that said, "oh my god, this picture gets to me every time I just can't believe the legs on this kid, askdinlfhj."

I decided to scroll and saw more pictures of Little Mix and One Direction, the top of the page said Tumblr, and under that I saw under it said ispezza. I looked over at Niall and he was looking through the Tumblr on the other computer, that said isperrie.

"What the actual crap is going on here?"

"It looks like these girls have  a blog" Niall said.

"Do you think the girls would get mad if we looked through their blogs?" I asked and Niall shurgged his shoulders as the other three sat themselves next to us so they could see what we were doing.

"What they don't know won't hurt them" And with that, we looked through their blogs.


"It looks like Kelly really has a thing for Zayn" Louis said in a teasing motion and Zayn just chuckled softly.

"But it seems like she likes Perrie more" Liam cut in with a small chuckle, which caused all of us to chuckle and then all of a sudden the front door open to reveal Kelly and Nicole, who has a white bandage on her finger.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" Kelly said, her eyes widening, she probably saw that we were on their computers.

"Nothing" I said, trying to play innocent.

"Don't tell me you were looking at my blog?" She whined and we all couldn't help but nod are heads.

"How much did you see?" She asked.

"Not that much, other than the fact you want to run your fingers through Zayn's hair." I said and if looks killed, then the glare Kelly sent me probably would of left me dead.

"I'm going to my room" She then muttered as she grabbed her laptop and went into her room.

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