6: Best Song Ever

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Niall's POV


Nicole walks out of one of their bedroom, "So what are we oh shitting?" 

We looked at Harry, "We heard what you said about the Haylor thing, I can't believe that, that crap is still going on." 

There was a knock at the door right as Kelly left her room, she went into the kitchen and Nicole answered the door.

"Hey gentlemen and ladies," the burly man who kicked out of our apartment looked the girls up and down as he tried to step into the apartment.

"Nope sorry sir, I don't know you that well you can't come in here!" Nicole said stepping in front of the man who was at least a foot and a half taller than her. 

"Well anyway," He tried to step in again and Liam and I stood up to make sure he wouldn't bother her, "the apartment is all moved in for you boys."

He tried to push Nicole out of the way, but she pushed back. By this time all of us lads were standing up behind her. 

Kelly came between us and stood behind her, "Thank you sir! Now go the fuck away." And together they slammed the door.

After we heard all the men leave, Kelly turned to Nicole, "Are you ok?"

"His body touched mine, I am going to go take a shower!" Nicole said looking like she was about to puke, "It was nice hanging out with you guys! See you later!"

"Thanks for letting us hang here!" I yelled as she turned around the corner.

"Well Kelly, I would love to stay and chat, but I have been traveling all day and I just really want a shower." Liam said.

"Yea we all should leave and try to get a little settled in." Louis said, "But maybe we can get together for lunch tomorrow?"

Music started playing on the otherside of the apartment, it sounded like a Little Mix song.

"Yea sorry about her, we love to play music extremely loud.  I'll tell her to turn it down. But, yea, lunch sounds great!" Kelly said opening the door for us again.

"Oh and don't worry about the music, we don't mind loud music." Harry said winking at her.


Kelly's POV


 I closed the door after them and went into the kitchen and turned on speakers so that the music that was playing in the bathroom would play in the kitchen and the rest of the apartment.  It was a pretty cool set up we had, Nicole's brother set it up for us as a moving in gift.  You could play music from a set of iPod docks that were everywhere, or just in that certain area. 

The apartment we had was awesome, it has three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a good size kitchen and living area.  There were two other apartments on this floor, the one the guys are living in, and the one down the hall.  We got the chance to look at them both, the "One Direction" apartment has five bedrooms in it, too big.  And the one down the hall, only had one bedroom, to small. This one was just right!

I heard the water turn off and the music turn down all around the kitchen, even better about this place, it was almost sound proof!

"Kelly!! Do you still have my hoagie??" Nicole said walking down the hall wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt.

"No, I ate your hoagie." I said pulling a pepsi out of the fridge.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, KELLY?" Nicole started 'crying', she fell on the floor, "WHY???!!!" 

"Oh Nikki, get off the floor, your hoagie is right here on the counter, I was messing with you." 

She got up really slowy and swiped pretend dust off of her shoulders, "I knew that."

We sat down on the couch and ate our sandwichs while watching Big Bang Theory. 



"Guess what I said?" Nicole said looking at me with a wierd smile.

"What?" I was getting kind of nervous now.


"OW!" I said back.

"This is why we are best friends!" She rested her head on my shoulder and together we watched Marley and Me until the end were we both cried our eyes out.

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