28: C'mon C'mon

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Kelly's POV

The next morning I was woken up by Sydney yelling "You guys totally fucked"

Even though it was pretty funny, I was tired and my butt was sore from falling on it yesterday. Even though I was holding, well clutching, onto Zayn's hand the entire time, I still have managed to fall at least 50 different times, and I even managed to bring Zayn down with my half the time when I fell. But even though I probably have a big ass bruise on my thigh, skating with Zayn was pretty fun. We talked for the most part, well, when I wasn't falling onto my face, but when I did Zayn always helped me back onto my feet and tried to keep me on them as well.

As you can tell, I am a Zayn girl. I love Zayn with all my heart, but I know he'll probably not feel the same towards me since he is engaged to Perrie, but trust me I adore Perrie and I love their relationship. I just sometimes with that I'll end up with Zayn, just like how Nikki is now with Harry.

Lucky bitch.

But any who, just being able to hang out with Zayn for the past few days has made me the happiest person ever. Going from blogging about the boys everyday, to actually living next to them, talking to them and having them eat my food!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when, speak of the devil, Zayn walked into my room with Liam, Niall, and Louis.

"Hey guys.." I said as I sat up on my bed. "Are Nikki and Harry up yet?" I asked

"Yeah" Liam answered. "Nicole's in the shower and Harry went back to the apartment and we wanted to know if you wanted to go out go get some breakfast with the rest of us?"

"Uh..sure" I said. "Just give me a few minutes to get ready" I added, yawning just a bit before I kicked them out of my room so I could get dressed. 

Once I was done getting dressed we still had to wait on Nicole, Tanna, and Sydney, who were just putting on make up. We were waiting for about 10 minutes so far and the guys and I were sitting on the couch, just waiting for them.

"Do they usually take this long?" Liam asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, somedays longer, other days shorter" I said and smiled as I felt Zayn put his arm over my shoulder.

"Why don't you put on makeup?" Zayn asked me.

"I never really was that person who puts on makeup everyday, only on speical occasions" I said. "Sometimes when I feel like it I'll just put on some eyeliner, but that's it really" The boys nodded and smiled.

"At least we won't have to be waiting on you all day" Louis said. "It's going to be dinner time by the time they get done"

"Just give them a few more minutes, they should be getting done soon" I said, and like a said, a few minutes later Nikki, Tanna, and Syd walked out of the bathroom with their makeup done.

"Ready" Nicole said as the three of them grabbed their coats and the rest of stood up and stretched out our legs.

Harry went by Nicole's side, Niall was next to Tanna, Liam next to Syd. It was cute. Louis was the first one out of the door and before I could start walking, I felt a arm sling over my shoulder. I looked up and smiled softly when I saw that it was Zayn.

This is going to be a good day.

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