18: Little White Lies

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Harry's POV

As we were helping the girls clean up their apartment, I noticed that Kelly sticks to Zayn quite a bit. This wouldn't be a problem, if Zayn wasn't engaged to Perrie. I pulled Nicole over, "Hey, Kelly is a Zayn girl, isn't she?"

"Oh you have noticed, haven't you?" she said scrubbing some plates.

"Who hasn't?" I grabbed a towel and started drying, "Do you think you could talk to her and just make sure that she won't make a move, that could possibly end his and Perrie's relationship?"

"Of course I can, Kelly ships Zerrie, so I think that right now, she just doesn't know what to do with herself. But yea, she is weird, but she is about as dangerous, as much as her ass sticks out." 

We both leaned over to look at Kelly's booty, and Nicole is right, she has none.


After about two hours, both of the taken apartments on floor twelve of the RoseWood, were clean, I can say that if I ever have to live in a place that gross ever again, I might shave my head. 

Now that I think about it, I am not going to shave my head. I think that the girls like to play with my hair, because I sat down for like three seconds, and Kelly came over and ran her hand through my hair, when I turned back around, Nicole had given Kelly a dollar.

Right now, the guys and I are sitting in our apartment, watching tv. The girls sent us away about twenty minutes ago, they had to take an online test for one of their classes. We were watching Titanic and when people were jumping off the ship, Zayn started yelling scores, he stopped when Niall hit him across the back of his head.

"So do you guys have any idea why we were sent to live here yet?" Liam asked not really paying attention to the movie.

"Maybe to give us a taste of how Americans live?" Louis said.

"Publicity." I said checking Twitter, "Most definitely, publicity. I can't say that I mind though."

"Yea cause Harry has a thing for Nicole.." Louis said. 

I could feel my face heat up, and before I could come up with a witty remark, there was a knock at the door. I got to my feet and opened the door without looking through the peep hole, thinking it was one of the girls. I was right and wrong all at once.

It was not the girls I was hoping to see. They were fan girls and they found us.

They just stared at me, their eyes were wider than I could even imagine. "You're.." One of the girls started and I was kinda starting to get scared at what she was going to say. But before I could process anything, I heard two familiar voices coming from down the hall.

"Can I help you girls with anything?" Kelly, I believed said.

"No...we're just here visiting friends" The other girl said, and I had to hold in a laugh when I heard Kelly and Nicole scoff.

"That so? Then why does she look like she's about to get shot?" Nicole asked as her and Kelly walked towards the girls, who were defiantly shorter than them.

They both looked speechless but looked like they still wanted to say more.

"Haven't you guys heard of privacy?" Kelly asked, her right eyebrow rising on her forehead.

"Yeah..why wouldn't we?" The same fan asked and Kelly and Nicole literally scoffed again.

"Well I think you need to get a better education because the last time I checked, you're not giving these boys their privacy" Nicole said with a smile on her lips.

Looking back at the fans, they were speechless and before they were able to say anything, Paul came up behind them and placed his hand on their shoulders. "You girls shouldn't be up here" He said before he took the two of them back outside.

"Uh..thanks" I said as I rubbed the back of my head.

"No problem" Kelly and Nicole said almost at the same time and they just looked at each other weirdly before laughing.

"Well, we'd love to chat more but our one friend is visiting and we're picking her up from the air port" Nicole said. Sending a quick 'see you later' they were off, walking down the hall.


Kelly's POV

I can't believe she told us that she was visiting last minute! I love Sydney and all, but a warning would of been nice!

You see, also like Tanna, when we graduated Sydney wanted to get away from everyone, so she went and moved to Florida. And apparently she decided to come to New York for a visit and calls us when she's already on the plane! But I guess we can let her off the hook just this one time since we haven't seen her since graduation.

"Do you know when she's landing?" Nikki asked when we walked into the airport.

I checked my messages from Sydney on my phone to see if she gave me a specific time on when her plane was going to land. But I got nothing. "I'm not sure, she didn't say yet" I said. We both let out a long breath as we sat ourselves down in some seats that were scattered across the airport.


About 30 minutes has past and me and Nicole have found a few ways to keep ourselves from going crazy from boredom. We were both on our phones, just scrolling through our tumblrs.

"Hey Nicole" I yawned as I laid my head on her lap.

"What?" She asked as she looked down from her phone.

"Don't you find it funny that we're still blogging about One Direction even though they're living right next to us?"

"Just a bit" Nicole chuckled before she looked out in front of her and pushed me onto the ground.

"The fuck Nicole" I said as I sat up and looked out where Nicole was looking. I got up from the floor and smiled when I saw the familiar face running towards us.

"Sydney!" We both yelled as we ran towards our friend and brought her into a hug.

"Hi guys" Sydney said as she laughed at our excitement.

We hugged for a few more minutes and tried to catch up on a few things before we got Sydney's bags and went into Nicole's car and drove to our place.

And we may or may not have remembered to tell Syd that we're living next to One Direction.

She will soon though.

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