36: Stole My Heart

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Harry's POV

The past week has been hell. 

Yesterday, Kelly and Nicole took their last final, and today Kelly went over to Jeff's place to hang out with him, and Nicole has been at my place for the past three hours sleeping. She woke up and looked up at me and said, "I'm so sorry that I just fell asleep again!"

"Babe, its fine!" I said pulling her into me, "You do realize that you slept for about six hours in the past week. Right?" 

"But in the past week, I have never had so much coffee." She said, "Why don't we go do something?!"

"Why don't you just go back to sleep, tomorrow is Christmas, and we can do something later tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow is Christmas?!"

I nodded not sure what she was getting at.

"That means today is Louis Birthday!" She sat straight up.

"Darling, you said happy birthday to him this morning and gave him a very beautiful present." I hugged her and rubbed her back.

"I am going mad, aren't I?" 

"Yes, but it's okay, because I will be there with you." 

Kelly's POV

I was going last minute Christmas shopping with Jeff instead of hanging out at his place.  We were walking around Forever 21 and we went through the girls section before he pulled me into the underwear section, he picked up a black thong, "You know I think this whould look good on you."

I gasped.

"But I thing that it would look better on me." He said and put the thong down, pulled me into him and kiss me lightly against my smiling lips.

Sydney's POV

Liam, Louis, Niall, Tanna, and I were hanging out in our apartment, doing makeovers. We were extremely bored and thought that this would be the best thing to do until it was the right time to make dinner. 

I did Liam's, Louis's did Tanna's, Tanna would do Niall's, Liam would do Louis and Niall would do mine. After an hour of 'Louis you have to be easy with the eyeliner wand you can poke someones eyes out with that.' and 'Niall stop trying to use lip gloss on my eyelids!' and 'Liam I don't think that is my color.'

When we finally finished, Liam and Niall actually looked really good, but then there was Louis and Tanna and I. We looked scary with our eyes darker than all goodness, and eyeliner as eyebrow inhancers. When Nicole and Harry walked in it was a sight that I will never forget.

"What in the bloody hell happened to you?!" Zayn said walking in behind the couple.

"We did makeovers because we were bored, where were you all day?" Liam asked.

"I met up with Perrie at the airport for her layover." He said sitting down his phone.

"Well sit down, I have had a ham in the oven for the past two hours." Nicole said pulling the ham out of the oven and making something to go along side her.

Kelly and Jeff walked in and stared before Tanna explained what was going on. Then Nicole said it was time to eat and we all sat and enjoyed some food, before the guys decided to take Louis home and clean him up to go out and celebrate.

Nicole, Tanna, and I stayed home and watched sappy love movies and cried at the stupid parts. We went to bed early and made sure that the guys wouldn't come in drunk. At least we thought we did.

Tanna's POV

At two thirty in the morning, I heard a loud noise come from the kitchen. I went to go check it out and I saw Harry and Nicole. 

"Harry stop trying to kiss me, why don't I just get you to bed." She said wrapping his arm around her, trying to keep him up.

"Only if you come with me, babe. I want to explore and make sure you don't have any more tattoos that I don't know about." He slurred.

"No," she saw me.

"Sorry if I woke you Tanna, he texted me saying he was drunk and he wanted to come over." Nicole tried to drag him to her room.

"I broke something I think." Harry said looking at me, "Did you know Nicole has a tattoo?"

"Yes, Harry I did, I went with her to go get it." 

"I want a soda." Harry said turning back around.

"I will give you a piece of chocolate if you go to bed with me right now." Nicole said.

"You would go to bed with me for a piece of chocolate? Whore!" Harry laughed and smiled kissing her on the lips and cheek.

"Yes, Tanna will you open the door please?" she smiled.

"Sure sweetie!" 

"Hey! Only I get to call her sweetie!" Harry said flopping down on to the bed, he took off his pants and shirt. 

"Goodnight Harry." Nicole said pulling the covers over him.

"Goodnight sweetie." he fell alsleep.

"Thanks for the help Tanna." Nicole climbed into bed with him.

"Wait! You are going to sleep in the same bed as him?! What if he tries something?!"

"He said that then went on to talk about cake before knocking something over, so I think I might just have to distract him with a piece of chocolate." She pulled out a bag of Hershey chocolates, she said goodnight.

I went back to to my room and slept for a few more hours.

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