8: Half A Heart

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Nicole's POV


I was standing in the apartment of the guys, clothes were everywhere, trash all over the place, and the pizza in the corner was starting to attract flies.

"Sorry about the mess, Love. We are having a hard time settling in." Harry said giving me a bottle of water and standing next to me.

"It's fine! Do y'all need help settling in, Kelly and I would love to help!" I said staring as Lou changed Niall into someone unnoticeable.

"No we are-" Harry started.

"We would love your help!" Liam interrupted, "It seems like you guys have your lives in order."

I looked at them and they all looked desperate, "Kelly and I have tomorrow off, we can all go grocery shopping together then clean. Sunday is cleaning day."

"That sounds lovely, thanks dear!" Louis said walking over and kissing me on the cheek, I could feel myself blush.

Before anything else could happen, my phone alarm went off, "Oh sorry guys, I have to go to work."

I grabbed my purse, "Where do you work?" Lou asked.

"I work at a bar about six blocks from here." I said leaving, "Bye everyone!"  They all waved good bye as I got into the elevator, I sent Kelly a text:

To: Kelles

Hey tomorrow we are going grocery shopping with the guys and helping them clean their apartment! xx See ya at home tonight!

She sent me a text later as I was walking down the street. 

From: Kelles

Fuck Ya! But are you sure you want to go with them? You know how you are in the store!!

I sent her back a "Lol yea." and walked into the bar.


Liam's POV


"She is a bartender, she makes alcoholic drinks for a living." Zayn said, "Do we realize how cool that is?!"

"Very cool!" Lou said, "Now sit down and be quite."

Louis, Niall, Harry and I were made up, and looking, well, not like ourselves, we are still handsome humans.

It was really nice of her to offer to help us. The girls are actually really sweet and nice, they didn't fan girl as much as we thought that they would. The guys and I were actually talking about it and if they didn't blare our music a lot (Not that we can hear it(we are just over a lot) we would think that they weren't fans... That they were *GASP* Directionators...

NIall's POV

Later on in our day we were walking around the city, we did get suspicious looks from a few people, but didn't say anything and right now me and the lads are starting to grow hungry.

"Guys can we please stop and get something to eat?" I asked as we walked down a street that wee walked down just a few minutes ago.

"Fine...but where should where should we go?" Liam asked.

"How about we go here?" Louis asked, pointing at a bar that seemed pretty empty, since he was the afternoon.

"That seems good...let's go lads" Liam said and we made our way to the bar.

Once we walked in we were met by the familiar faces of Nicole and Kelly.

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