12: Through The Dark

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Harry's POV


We were knocking on the apartment door, and it opened to a man the had a stern face and a goatee. I looked back at the guys and Liam mouthed, "Nicole's Dad?"

"Hello, sir. My name is Harry-" I was interrupted.

"I know who you are." He started, "You and your boy band were all my daughter could talk about since she was a junior in high school."

I looked back at the guys, "Eric, stop." Nicole said opening up the door really wide, "Leave them alone, you don't get to harass my neighbors. Come on in guys!"

We went into her apartment it was around ten in the morning, "So sorry that we are early, we were going to offer any help that we could." Louis said looking around.

"Actually that would be great," Nicole said, "Mom, Eric, Holden, why don't y'all sit and make yourself comfortable while I go pick up the other set of parents. Can you guys help Kelly in the kitchen?"

"Nicole take one of them with you in case you need help with the luggage," Kelly said not looking up from the turkey she was basting.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I said and Nicole laughed. 

"Sure you can come, just give me two minutes to do my hair."  She walked into her bathroom.

"Hey Nicole, whats your wifi password?" a guy sitting next to Eric asked.

"Holden, you don't need it right now!" the lady said.

"Harry? I'm ready to go?" Nicole grabbed her purse and said goodbye to every one.


Nicole's POV


Harry and I were walking in the parking garage, we were talking about how I graduated third in my class and then we got to my car.

"Wow, this car is beautiful." Harry said getting in the passenger side of my Lexus, it's black with seven seats and a movie screen in the back.

"Thanks, it was a graduation present from my aunt, uncle, parents, and grandparents." I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way towards the airport. I turned on the radio and sat in comfortable silence as I tried not to get frustrated with the traffic.

"Is this why you and Kelly walk everywhere?" Harry said getting pink from frustration.

"Yes, and when we do use the cars, we take Kelley's, her little bug, tends to get from point a to point b, without attracting all the inbreeds."

Then out of nowhere, my favorite song comes on.  SO WAKE ME UP WHEN ITS ALL OVER, WHEN I'M WISER AND I'M OLDER... I was jamming out and dancing in my seat, Harry was laughing so hard I thought he might get an asthma attack.

"I am so sorry you had to see that!" I giggled as I pulled into the airport parking lot.

We got out of the car and walked into the airport, I saw my family right away and ran straight up to them and gave giant hugs, "Hey guys this is one of my neighbors, Harry."

They smiled and nodded, their plane had gotten in a little early so they had the luggage already, and soon enough we were out the door and back in the car.

"So how was the flight?" Harry asked as I drove into the city.

"It was good!" Christy said as she stared out the window, "Nicole thank you so much for inviting over! Its great to see the city again!"

'No problem, Christy! It's an honor to have you guys here!" 

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, everybody was staring out the window at the towering buildings. Around twenty minutes later, I put in my code to get into the parking garage.

"So Kelly and I have room for everyone, if you would like to stay here since hotels are pretty expensive." I said grabbing the luggage from the back and walking towards the elevator. 

"That sounds great little sister!" Matt said giving me a big bear hug.

As we got to the 12 floor, I could hear music coming from our room, the door was open and everything smelled great!

"Kelly!! It's 2:30, is everything ready for dinner?" I asked while having everyone walk in.

"In about thirty minutes, it will be, and the guys even set up our table for us!" She said giving me a bowl of gravy to stir, "Just keep stirring this, I am going to take a shower. Hello everybody!" 

They all yelled hi, "Right so introductions. Everybody this is One Direction, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, and last but not least Niall Horan!" I pointed to them as they were announced, "One Direction, this is my family, my brother Matt, his girlfriend Alex, my step-brother Holden, my step-dad Eric, my step-mom Christy, my mom Becky, and dad Ken!"

Everyone said their hellos and I gave a tour to Christy and Alex. The guys and my mom were sitting watching football on the tv. By the time I finished with the tour Kelly had gotten out of the shower and we were ready to eat. We sat down at the table.

"I would like to say a toast!" I said holding up my glass of sparkling apple cider, "To my family who has traveled many miles to be here today. To my friends who have traveled many feet to sit and eat our food again. And to Kelly who puts up with me day and night alone with no breaks. I thank you- and I speak for Kelly and I when I say- without your support and love we wouldn't be studying for college in the concrete city! It has been hard living away from home, we have to rely on ourselves now. It took some time and a lot of growing up to be able to live how we do." 

The guys started applauding, and I saw my dad wipe a tear as I sat down.

"Nicole, are you going to carve the turkey?" My mom asked.

"Kelly would you like to help with the honors?" I asked and together, as the room filled with applause, we cut our first thanksgiving turkey. 

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