22: Last First Kiss

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Kelly's POV

"Yes, he is Liam," Nicole was saying and pointing, "and this is Harry, Zayn, Louis and Niall."

She went and stood in the middle of the room, "You know, Horan, Tomlinson, Malik, Styles, and a big Payne in the booty, but not Kelly's because she doesn't have any, and you guys are leaving." 

"What? Why?" Sydney cried out.

"Because Nicole and I have school and work tomorrow, we have to get up early, its like eleven thirty right, now." I said pushing the guys towards the door.

"Bye!" They yelled.

"Sydney, I would love to sit and catch up, but we really need to get to bed." Nicole said heading to her room, "Goodnight!!"

"Night!" Sydney and I said, and we headed off to bed.


The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock, same song as ever day, Story of my Life. I walked into the hallway and into Nikki's room, I didn't feel like jumping so I just told her to get up, then I walked into the kitchen to get our coffee started. I smiled when I heard the shower turn on. 

Ten minutes later Sydney walked into the kitchen, she was dressed for success, but her hair was wet. "Did you just take a shower?" I asked handing her coffee.

"Yea, why do you look so weirded out?" She asked.

I looked weird because I saw Nicole come out of the hallway wrapped up in her comforter, she looked like a burrito. 

"Nikki, I know you come to school in your pajamas, but the blanket can't come with." I said grabbing her cup of coffee.

Right as I was about to hand it to her, she pulled the trash can over and barfed into it, "Yea I don't think I am going to leave the house today." 

Then she went and fell asleep on the couch. Sydney grabbed the trash can from the bathroom, I grabbed some medicine and a box of tissues and went to her. 

"Nikki," I poked her, "Wake up and get some medicine."  

I poured her medication and she sat up a little, took her medication and started coughing.

"Holy crap, she sounds like she is going to lose a lung." Sydney said bringing over a water bottle.

Then the coughs stopped, and she fell back going straight to sleep. 

"I'm really worried about her, but I have to go to this class." I said grabbing my purse.

"And I have to get to this job." Sydney said.

"Hey, we should go tell the guys, maybe they can keep an eye on her for me." I pulled Syd out the door and over to the guys place.

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