52: Competition

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Nicole's POV

Harry was just about to tell us what him and the guys had come up with when there was a knock at my door. 

"Hold on just a second guys." I went to the door and opened it.

"Hello," a British accent connected to a guy with a bit of extra fat said, "I am Ralph and I am hear to talk to RuthAnna."

I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.  "Why do you want to see her?"

"Well she works for me, and there is a problem with her contract.  I just wanted to speak to her."

"What kind of problem with her contract?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"It matters to me because, I need to make sure that whatever happens in my house is going to be okay, okay?!" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

"Okay, so have you heard of One Direction?"

My heart started racing as I figured out who exactly this guy was, but I played along with it, "Um yea."

"Well my paparazzi company strives on ruining their reputation.  So I sent RuthAnna here to get pictures of them with their hands in the cookie jar, so to speak.  Well about five days ago, she stopped sending them in, so I came here to see what all the hold up is. "  Ralph said to me. 

"Oh my god, you are J.J. Jameson."

"No, I'm Ralph."

"No you inbreed, J.J. Jameson was the newspaper company's main editor in Spiderman. He always wanted bad pictures of Spideyman."

"Ok, so is RuthAnna here?" 

I shook my head before remembering who exactly was in my apartment.

"So can I come in?"

"Of course, just give me a second to make sure that everyone in their is decent." I opened the door and slipped in and slammed the door so he couldn't see in. 

"NIKKI!" Niall yelled, and I almost punched him in the face to shut him up. 

"What was that for?" Harry asked me as I got everyone into a little group in the living room.

"We have to tell you about our plan!" Liam got really excited.

"Your plan can wait," I said, "The person that just knocked on the door, was Ralph."

All the blood drained out of Tanna's face.

"Ralph is the guy who made Tanna take all those nasty pictures of you guys just to ruin y'alls reputation." I said.

"He's like J.J. Jameson." Niall said.

"I seriously just told him that.  Anyway, he is here to talk to Tanna about her career.  He wants to come in, and he can't see you guys, he will have a freaking heart attack.  Then blame it on you guys."

"So where do we go?" Zayn asked.

Ralph starting knocking at the door again.

"RuthAnna?! Do you have a shirt on yet?! Ralph wants to talk to you!" I yelled trying to stall him. 

I pushed the guys into my room, "Don't make any noises, and don't come out until I come and get you."

With that I closed the door and went to get Ralph.

Kelly's POV

 "Ralph! Long time no see!" Nicole shouted as she opened the door.

"Must all Americans be so loud?" He complained as he came in and sat down on the couch.

"I am probably not as loud as the Patriots were when they first heard that they won the war." Nicole said from the doorway.

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