35: Still The One

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Kelly's POV

It's been a week ro so since I had my double date with Jeff, and Harry and Nicole. Jeff and I have went out a couple more times. Like we'd go out for coffee/lunch a couple of times between my classes. And we are offically boyfriend and girlfriend, and no matter how much I hate to say it, I've got to thank Nicole for that.

But now, we're all laying on the couch in our apartment since we're basically all snowed in and had no where to go. Jeff and I were drinking some hot apple cider while Harry and Nicole were all snuggled up in each other. I look to my right and I see that Sydney and Liam were basically laying on each other, half asleep. And Tanna, Louis, and Niall all decided that they were going to get food for all of us since we're all pretty lazy at this very moment.

Just when everything felt calm and peacful, our front door slammed open. At first we all thought it was just Tanna, Louis, and Niall coming back from picking up our pizza, so we thought nothing of it until..

"What the hell?" A feminine voice said, which caused all of us to look over at the door to see Sophia Smith, aka Liam's girlfriend.

She walked over to us, standing just a bit too close to me that I was able to smell the perfume that she was wearing, and it also caused me to almost have an asthma attack.

"Is anyone going to answer me or should I just repeat what I just said?" She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I rather you not" I said softly, which caused Jeff to chuckle next to me, and also caused Sophia to send a glare in my direction.

"Sophia" Liam started, but she just cut him off.

"Do you think I'm dumb?" She asked and I looked at Nicole we both looked like we were holding back our own words, because we do. "Do you think that I wouldn't notice that you're cheating on me?"

"I'm not cheating on you" Liam said as he stood up from the couch.

"Well it sure looks like it, since you were all comfy with that whore" Sophia said and as soon as that happen Nicole and I stood up with our own arms were crossed.

"Excuse me but did you really say that about our friend?" Nicole asked and she looked like she was going to kill her.

"Sophia....can we talk..in private" Liam said, sounding a bit annoyed as he took Sophia's hand and took her to their apparentment. 

And right after that happened, Tanna, Louis, and Niall walked in through the door with confused faces.

"What just happened?" Niall asked and all we heard after that was the sound of a couple arguing.

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