45: Little Me

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Kelly's POV

"What do you mean you're his girlfriend?" I asked the blonde that's saying that she's Jeff's girlfriend.

"Well I'm his girlfriend, duh" She rolled her eyes and I can't lie and say that I don't want to rip her eyes out.

"Jeff, do you care to explain this to me?" I asked, my throat suddenly starting to close up.

"Kelly, babe-"

"Don't you dare babe me" I said, cutting him off. Does he actually think he has the right to call me babe at this moment of time? He's lucky he has the right to say my name.

"Okay fine...I may have started to see another girl while dating you but it's not that bad" Does he want to get kicked in the balls or something?

"Do you actually think that this is all okay? Is there something wrong with you?" I asked, but I'm not in the mood to hear his answer. "Just when I think that I'm in a decent relationship, I soon realize that I'm dating a complete and utter douchebag!" I was beyond furious at this moment.

"Just hear me out" Jeff said, looking at the fake blonde then back at me.

"Fine.." I said, since I'm the decent human here.

"Okay so, I just wanted to try something out a few weeks ago...it's not that big of a deal"

"So cheating isn't a big deal to you?" I asked. "You know what, you two can have fun doing whatever the fuck you want because Jeff, you and I are through" And with that I left the scene and started to make my way to wherever Nicole and Harry ran off to.

Harry's POV

"Do you think it was a good idea to leave Kelly in that situation?" I asked as Nicole as we were now standing in front of a Dunkin Donuts.

"Yeah, Kelly's a big girl she can handle things herself"

I nodded to what Nicole said as we just stood there, waiting for something to happen really. And soon enough I see Kelly walking down the street with her head down.

"Hey, Kelly" I called out, causing her to look up, and I can tell that she was upset. Her eyes were starting to look puffy, there was a small frown on her lips, and you can tell that she's holding herself back.

She doesn't deseve that, no one does really. But Jeff has some nerve doing that to her.

I walked up to Kelly with Nicole and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and gave her a half hug before Nicole pushed my arm away and held Kelly in a hug that made her look like she's never going to let go.

Small sniffles were beginning to leave Kelly's body. 

"C'mon" Nicole sighed as she pulled away from Kelly, but still had her arm wrapped around Kelly's shoulders. "Let's go back to the apartment and have the nutella" She said softly.

Even though it wasn't a good moment, I couldn't help but smile at the two of them as they started to walk in the direction of the complex. You can easily tell how close those two were and how much they care for each other.

I walked behind the two with the smile still on my lips as the same thought went through my head.

They weren't best friends, far from it.

They're sisters.

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