2: Midnight Memories

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Harry's POV


All the guys and I wanted to do was to stay home in London and sleep, we had just gotten home from a long and exhuasting tour.  Sure it was fun and all, but we just need to take a break.  So last night, we got home than we were told to pack our bags because we were going to spend time in America.

But now we are in a taxi heading on our way to a New York City apartment.  None of us were extremely excited to say the least. But while we are under managements contract, we do what they tell us. It is pathetic situation.  

"So when does our stuff get shipped in?" Louis asked Ellen, our head manager.

"It will be in tonight." She said with no emotion as usual.

That was the end of that conversation.  

We pulled up to the front of the building and got out of the taxi, I looked up and saw at least twelve stories, and I could have sworn I heard some music coming from an open window on the top floor.  We walked into the lobby, a lady wearing way too much makeup and a fake smile.

"Hello! Welcome to The RoseWood! Its an honor to have you boys here!" Liam gave Niall a look, "Here are enough room keys, you guys are on the top floor room 116. I hope you have a great experience!"

We got into the elevator, "I could literally feel the exclamation points coming from her." Zayn said and we all looked back at him and laughed.

We got off the elevator at the 12 floor, and started looking for our rooms when we heard two female voices.

"Well if you have the heat up to a boiling point then of course I am going to open my window!" 

"Then the least you could do is turn down your music, Nicole!"

"I knew I heard some music when we were down on the ground." Niall said, I nodded at him.

"You never complained about it before, Kelly!" Im guessing, Nicole said.

"Thats because before we never--ARGH!" She screamed as she turned a corner and walked straight into us. The other girl just dropped her jaw and starred.

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