54: Kiss Me Kiss Me

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Nicole's POV

We were sitting in the living room trying to figure out what we could make for dinner when we heard the door open. Since the guys were at a meeting that probably had something to do with the upcoming tour, we figured it was Tanna.

"We have had pizza almost everyday for the past two weeks. If I eat it again-" I was saying but stopped when I saw her.

"If you eat it again, what?" Sydney said before Kelly just pointed.

"You cut off all of your hair." Kelly and Sydney said at the same time.

It was true, all of her long brown and blue hair, that I was secretly jealous of, was gone.

"I wanted to start new." Tanna said then walked into her room.

"So I think Chinese food sounds-" Sydney started.


Sydney just nodded at me as I checked the bank account app on my phone. My eyes almost popped out of my head as amount said that I had less than 50 dollars.

"Guys, we can't go out to eat. We can't have anymore take out. I have less than fifty bucks in my account, I won't be able to pay my part of the rent this month." I started shaking.

"Holy shit, Nicole! How could you let it get that low?!" Kelly yelled back as I started pacing in the living room.

"What all were you buying?" Sydney asked.

"Food! We freaking told you guys that we couldn't afford this!" I started to cry, never in my life did I think that my financial status would get this bad. I know that college kids were supposed to be tight on money, but I made it a point to keep at least one months rent in my account.

"Why did you pay for it then?" Sydney yelled.

"Don't yell at me! Every time- every freaking time- one of you people order food it always comes and nobody has any money on them or in their account to pay!"

"What about your boyfriend or his little friends?!" Kelly joined in once again.

"You know damn well that they can't answer the door!"

"What the fuck are you people yelling about?" Tanna came into the living room.

"Nicole only has fifty dollars in her account, and she is blaming it on us! Saying that just because we order food, it's our fault!" Sydney told her.

"Before anyone showed up, One Direction, you, or Tanna; we are out or ordered in once a week! Before anyone showed up I could pay my rent!" I was screaming.

"Are you saying that you wish we hadn't showed up? Any of us? Even your boyfriend? Or his friends?" Tanna asked.

"RuthAnna." Kelly warned.

"No Kelly, let her answer the question." Sydney hissed.

"My bank account wishes y'all didn't show up!"

"What about you?" Tanna said.

"RuthAnna!" Kelly yelled.

"If you aren't going to take responsibility for your actions then maybe I don't!" Sydney gasped.

I stormed out of the living room and into my room. I sat down on my bed and tried to listen to what Kelly was yelling about.

Kelly's POV

"What the ever living fuck was that all about?" I was steaming.

"She was blaming us for nothing!" Sydney said.

"No! she was blaming you for ordering a bunch of food when we told you not too!" I said looking through the pantry. Maybe I can make Nicole some hot chocolate to calm her down.

"Well none of us know how to make dinner! or at least enough dinner for like twelve people!" Tanna said to me.

"Well fucking learn! If you looked at your bank account and only found fifty dollars in there, you would freak out too!" I screamed.

"What is up with all the yelling?" Liam said walking through the front door.

"Nicole is freaking out and blaming us for something she could have controlled." Sydney said from the living room.

"What could she have controlled?" One of the guys asked.

I explained what was going on to them.

"No, she's right, we should have listened. We very easily could have made dinner most nights." Zayn said.

"We can pay her back, it's not a big deal." Tanna said sitting next to Sydney.

"Well we can too." Louis said.

"She is not going expect any money from anybody. Hopefully you know that." I said.

We heard a door open and Nicole came out in her work clothes, she didn't say anything to us. She just walked straight out of the house.

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