13: Why Don't We Go There?

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Niall's POV

 "Nicole, I am in a food coma." Matt said as he laid down on the floor.

It was around six at night by the time we had finished eating.  Zayn fell asleep with his head on my shoulder, I have reason to believe that Harry wondered off into Kelly's room at fell asleep in her bed and Liam did the same thing in Nicole's room. Louis on the other hand, was asleep on the floor with a pillow he found somewhere.

"We should probably figure out where to put your family members, Nicole." Kelly said sitting next to Matt on the floor, "Nicole?" she poked Nicole with her foot, "Nicole get up." Nicole had fallen asleep on the floor and nobody noticed.

"Kelly go away." Nicole mumble grumbled.

"Good luck waking her up, Kelly. She is horrible to wake up." Becky said smiling.

"Oh don't I know!" Kelly said, "Watch how I wake her up." She got down and right in Nicoles ear she whispered something. One second later, Nicole sprung up!

"I'm awake!" She said laughing, "What did you need?"

"We need to figure out where to put your family."

"That's easy! Matt and Alex in my room- Holden can camp out in there too, Dad and Christy in the guest room, Mom and Eric in the pull out in the living room." Nicole looked proud of herself.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I camp in Kelly's room." 

"I believe Harry has already took that room" I said, which caused the two of them to groan.

"Let me go check" Kelly said, pushing Nicole off of her before walking into her room. "He didn't even make it into the bed" She called out before walking back to us.

"What did I say?" I chuckled as Kelly shot a glare at me. 

"We can still sleep in my bed" She fired back. "Harry's just....sleeping right next to it"

"Alright....me and Zayn can head back to our place if you'd like"

"Yeah..I think everyone should head for bed" Nicole yawned and looked like she was ready to fall back asleep on Kelly.

"Alright" I said as he nuged Zayn's head with my shoulder, which made him try to hit me. "Why were you the one that fell asleep on me? You're unbelievable to wake up!" I groaned as I finally got him to wake up before we head back to our aparentment.


Kelly's POV


 "Where did Nicole go?" I asked after walking back into the living room after making sure Ken and Christy were situated. 

"I have no idea." Eric said as he helped Becky put the sheets on the fold out couch.

"I think that she went into your room Kelly," Liam said as he walked out of Nicoles room, "I fell asleep on her floor, I am going home, thanks for the wonderful dinner." He kissed my cheek and walked out.

"Good night, Eric and Becky." 

"Goodnight Kelly!" 

I walked into my room and saw Nicole sprawled out on the floor next to Harry, they were both out like a light, so I took a blanket and laid it over them before I fell asleep.


Hours later I was woken up by my phone ringing. I groaned as I grabbed my phone to only see that I got a late Thanksgiving text from my sister.

I was then going to lay my head back down on my pillow until I heard soft snoring coming from the side of my bed, looking over the edge I couldn't help but smile at the view that I was seeing.

Nicole was laying on her side and right behind her was Harry as he had his face burried into her shoulder with his arm wrapped around Nicole's waist tightly, and her back was pressed up against Harry's chest in their slumber.

It was a pretty cute sight if I say so myself, but I hope Nicole won't scream about it in the morning. Who am I kidding? Nicole is a loud person and when she wakes up cuddling with Harry Styles, she'd going to flip shit. Maybe she'll cry also.

Oh well, I'm just going to let myself get some more hours of sleep before I deal with Nicole.



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