9: Strong

173 6 0

Louis's POV


"We should try to see if they recongize us." Liam said softly so that only we could hear him.

We all nodded and we saw Nicole, who was behind the bar, point to us and say to Kelly, "You have costumers."

Kelly walked up to us, "Hi! Welcome to Ricky's! My name is Kelly, and I will be your server for today! Would you like to sit at a table or a booth?" 

"Can we sit at the bar?" Harry asked in a American accent.

"You guys don't look 21." She said with a little bit of concern in her eyes.

"Tell you what," Zayn said, "We won't get any acholic beverages."

"That sounds like a plan!" she walked towards the bar, "Hey Nicole! These five want to sit here and watch you shake your drinks! They aren't drinking anything acholic though, OK?"

"Sounds great Kelly!! So do you want me to take orders?" Nicole said cleaning off some glasses.

"If you put it in, in my name, I'll pick it up." Kelly said walking away.

"So guys, does she know y'all are here?" Nicole said getting the menus for us.

"No," Harry said turning a little red, "And we didn't think you would either."

"I recongized Niall, from when I was in your apartment."

I was looking over the menu, when a group of people came in.

"Hey Nicole!!" These guys screamed, "Whatcha got on your menu for us today??"

"Well guys, if you can sit and stop screaming, I can show ya! But first, let me see your hands."

They showed her the back of their hands, it had numbers like 3, and 6. I looked at Niall and he shrugged not knowing what to think of it. Until Nicole saw the looks we were giving her, "These guys are regulars on Saturday, and they go to a bar before they come here that closes early. The bartender- Tyler stay behind the bar- who is a friend of mine, writes how many drinks they have had on their hands for me."

Nicole started making six drinks at once, and took our order, all while keeping a smile on her face, I looked back at Kelly and she had two giant trays of food in her arms, she dodged another waitress and didn't drop anything. 

"She's pretty good at that" Niall noted as we watched Kelly with the giant trays.

"I guess you can say that" Nicole said. "The other day she was giving this one table their drinks and let me just say she ended up on her ass with the drinks on her" she continued before laughing.

"Hey did you get these guy's orders yet Nikki?" Kelly asked as he slipped behind the bar.

"No...not yet" Nicole chuckled. "What do you want to eat boys?"

We all ordered our food and before we could say anything Kelly was off getting food for another table. 

"Is she usually like this when you guys work?" Zayn asked as he watched Kelly leave the kitchen with another tray of food in her hands.

"Yeah...you should see her when we have the night shift" Nicole said. "She's literally running all over the place" I nodded

"When do you guys get off?" I asked Nicole then. She looked back in thought before answering.

"We get off at 8 tonight" She smiled.

We talked for a bit longer before Nicole had to get people drinks and continue working. Talking among ourselves, Kelly approached us and put our food in front of us. "Enjoy your food" She smiled before walking away.


Zayn's POV


We soon finished our meals and paid for them. 

"I hope you guys had a good meal" Kelly smiled before going back into the kitchen.

"See ya guys at home" Nicole said. We all nodded and said our goodbye before we walked back outside into the city.

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