23: Back For You

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Niall's POV


"Who is there?" The girl on the computer said, then Kelly turned the computer. The girl on the screen, took a second to realize what was going on. When she did, the screen turned black.

"Did she just exit out?" Nicole asked, a minute later a phone next to us on the counter went off.

"Nicole?" Harry started, "Why is "Niall" texting you, WHY IS ONE FUCKING DIRECTION IN YOUR MOTHERFUCKING APARTMENT?????!!!!!!!"

"Oh that would be Tanna," she said booty bumping me out the way, "When I got my new phone, she put her number in it like that." She checked the text, smiled and replied in less than two seconds.

"So what is my name in your phone?" I asked looking over the shoulder of Sydney while she was trying to get Tanna back on the screen.

"Your name is The Blond One." She walked into her room.

"So should we try this again, Kelly?" Sydney asked.

"Yea!" Kelly pressed call.

"You noobs!" Tanna screamed once the picture came through.

"Wait where did Nicole go?" Louis asked.

"That is not important, Lou." Tanna said with extra sass.

"Well then!! What is important?!" Louis asked with extra extra sass.

"The important thing I, how long have you been living next to the guys, and haven't told me?!" She snapped her fingers. The next thing we know there is a scream. Nicole came running out of her room.

"What the actual fuck is your problem?" Kelly jumped up and ran to Nicole.

"There is a big spider in my room!" She ran into the kitchen grabbed something and ran back into her room.

We all watched as Sydney told Tanna what was going on. After a few tense minutes, Liam was getting ready to go in. Nicole came back with a triumphant smile on her She threw away a wad of paper towels, and went back into her room.

"Why is she going back into her room?" Tanna asked and Syd just shrugged.

"I'll go see what is wrong." Harry said getting up.

"I totally ship them." Tanna said.


Harry's POV

"Hey, Nicole?" I pushed the door open, "Are you ok?"

"What? Oh yea, I'm fine, I just have a lot of work to do." she had books spread out throughout her room.

"Are you sure, because before we came, it looked like you were sitting ready to talk with her." I sat next to her on her bed.

"Yea, I was only going to talk to her for a few minutes." she turned a page, "I have to learn three different business laws, by three o'clock tomorrow."

She looked up at me, and we stared into each others eyes for a few seconds, she has the prettiest blue eyes like crystals. Her eyelashes were darker than Zayn's hair, and like a butterfly turning in my stomach  birds fluttering in my chest. My heart was locked in a cage.

Then I started to move in.

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