35: Tell Me A Lie

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Kelly's POV

Since Nikki texted me saying that Harry was going to spend the night, I kicked Liam out, leaving me in the living room with Traci and Rick, since they were staying the night. I didn't stay in there for long, since I was really tired, so I headed to my own bed so I could retire for the night. 

I sent a quick goodnight text to Jeff, and I got a reply from it almost as soon as I sent it.

Just as I was putting my phone on my side table, my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see that Zayn texted me. I wonder what he wants? I asked to myself as I opened the message.

From: Zayn

hey sorry if i woke you up aha :)xx

I couldn't help but chuckle as I replied to Zayn.

To: Zayn

No, it;s okay! I wasn't asleep yet :)

And with that, Zayn and I continued to text eachother until I notice the time saying 2:37 am. I sent him a goodnight text before I got a reply and I laid my head on my pillow and fell asleep instantly.


The next morning I woke up around 7:30, knowing that we needed to get back to studying. I went and started another pot of coffee. Rick woke up and went to the bathroom before waking Traci up. I went into Nikki's room to wake her up, and saw her and Harry laying together. 

Nicole opened her eyes and put her fingers to her lips to hush me. She motioned that she would get up in a minute.  So I left, Nicole soon came out and said, "We should go out, because my brain might fry if we are stuck in here all day." 

"I agree, but only the four of us." Rick said gesturing to Harry who was standing behind Nicole.

"What?" Harry said tiredly as he saw that we were all looking at him.

"Harry, we're going to go out for studying, so I suggest you to head back to your place because everyone's going to be out" Nicole said and Harry just nodded before he pecked Nicole on the lips and left the apartment and went into his.

"So, should we head out now?" Rick asked and we all nodded our heads and walked out of the room closing the door behind and left to go study for these finals.

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