53: Red Planet

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Kelly's POV

At some point we all left RuthAnna and Ralph alone to talk but it just doesn't feel right. Like the guy had our best friend go behind our back! I really want to know what the two of them are talking about right now. But that should be the least of my worries since Nicole and I are stuck in a room with five guys, that we need to keep quiet so Ralph won't find out.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Harry asked I almost, just almost, smacked the side of his head for asking that question. "What?" He then asked, probably noticing the look on my face.

"They're probably talking about getting pictures of you guys and publishing them to make you all look bad." I said through my teeth and Harry slowly nodded his head.

"Maybe I can have a word with h-"

"No!" Nicole and I said that at the same exact time before noticing that the talking in the other room has stopped.

"Nicole, what did I say about leaving your hair pins on the counter?" I said, trying to save our asses.

"Sorry Kelly I erm...forgot?" Nicole said and soon enough, we heard Tanna and her boss start talking again.

"Okay, so we need all of you guys to be quiet while those two are talking, we don't want him to find out that you guys are here, do I make myself clear?" Nicole asked and all of the boys nodded their head and moved to somewhere to sit and went on their phones.

I opened the door a little bit, Nicole, Sydney, and I stuck our heads out into the hallway just so we could hear everything a little better.  We saw shadows against one of the walls and could distinctly make out the differences between Tanna and Ralph. Their arms were flying around in over dramatic gestures of anger.

"Why are all Americans so untrustworthy and ignorant?" Ralph yelled from what sounded like the kitchen.

I heard a gasp from one of the guys as Nicole stormed her way past me, screaming profanities and yelling colorful words.  At one point, she had managed to say 'butt munch' 'nimrod' and 'inbreed' all in the same sentence before Tanna picked her up, dragged her back to her room and sat her down on the bed next to Harry.

"Don't let her out of here again!" Tanna said looking at me.

I nod as I watch Tanna storm out of the room. All of our eyes shifted to Nicole, we all smirked as we tried to hold in our laughter.

"I swear to goodness, sometimes I wish we weren't forced to do anything." Zayn said speaking for the first time today.

"If we had stayed in the UK, we wouldn't have this problem right now." Louis said shaking his head and playing with a puzzle Nicole had hiding in her closet.

Eventually all the guys had moved to work on the puzzle while Nicole, Sydney, and I did leg workouts we had found on Tumblr.

Ralph's POV

"I'm giving one choice, and one choice only; you have a week to get back to England with more pictures of the boys, or you're fried." I said.  RuthAnna looked taken back, not knowing what to say or how to respond.

"Ralph, you can't do this to me, not after everything I have done for you!" RuthAnna said, "I've gone behind my friends back one time too many! Give me a different job! Anything but this."

"You only have one option! RuthAnn, this is as nice as I can get." I said, she was starting to get really distraught. I had her right where I wanted her.

"Um, excuse me," some other girl walked out of the hallway, "but nobody calls my friend by the wrong name, especially when they know the correct way to say it. And if you have a problem then you can leave my house!"

This girl looked like she was ready to kill me, she had crazy eyes, "Seriously," I yelled as I was walking out of the door, "are all Americans so fucking annoying?!"

Right as the door closed I heard Nicole start screaming and stomping towards me again.

RuthAnna's POV

I really appreciate what the girls did for me. They always sick up for me for when I needed them the most. But I can't keep on going behind their backs. One time was enough, and I can't do that again! Kelly and Nicole did so much for me, and so did Sydney! Like Kelly and Nicole allowed me to stay at their place even though Sydney was already staying and there was only three rooms in their apartment.

I really need to get some fresh air to think about what just happened. 

"Guys, I'm going to get some fresh air for a bit" I said and the three of them nodded their head, understanding why I needed it,

So here I am now walking the crowded streets of New York. I could feel my hair blowing in the breeze and I then decided that I need a new start in my life, and I know how to start a new slate. And the first thing to do is to do something about my hair, and I know what I exactly want to do with it.

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