17: Don't Forget Where You Belong

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Harry's POV

The next morning I was woken up by a weight that was on my chest. I tiredly lifted my head and opened my eyes when images of last night popped in my head. Nicole left with us last night and is now sleeping in my bed, cuddled into my chest. I smiled at the view before I laid my head back down onto my pillow and went back to sleep for a few more hours.


My eyes soon opened again and it was a bit brighter in my room than it was before. I could still feel Nicole sleeping on my chest, I kinda feel bad about having to wake her up now as I slowly tried to sit up on my bed. Surprisingly, she didn't wake up, she just moved along with my chest.

Grabbing her shoulders, I slowly moved her off my chest and placed her head on my pillow before getting out of my bed so I can make the two of us something to eat. But that thought was soon ruined when I was met by Zayn and Kelly standing in the living room together.

"There you are" Kelly said as she walked over to me. "Where's Nicole? Both of her parents are about to leave and they said that they aren't leaving until they see Nicole one more time" I sighed as I opened the door to my bedroom and Kelly walked right in and jumped on Nicole.

"C'mon Nikki! It's time to get up" She said as I heard a groan also coming from the room also as Nicole rose up on the bed and tried to push Kelly off of her.

"Get your non-existing ass off me" Nicole grumbled as Kelly jumped off of her as she laughed.

"Nikki, your family need to leave and they won't until you say good bye! I don't want to get fined"

"Fine...just give me a second" Nicole yawned and Kelly walked out of my room.

"Put a shirt on Harold...you might poke someone's eyes out with your nipples"


Nicole's POV


After having to be woken up by Kelly jumping on me, I now stood in our living room hugging my mom.

"It was nice to see you this holiday" My mom said as she pulled away from our hug. "Just remember to text me everyday" She added.

"Okay mom...but you guys need to hurry now, your drive is going to be a pain with all the traffic" I said and my mom nodded.

"Alright then, I'll text you when we get home" I nodded my head and with that, my mom, Eric, and Holden walked out of the door. My dad, Matt, Alex, and Christy already left a bit ago because they had to catch a flight back to Montana, and it's a pain in the ass trip, knowing from my experience from traveling there.

"Looks like we got our place back to ourselves" Kelly said the same moment Holden closed the door. "But before we can celebrate, how about we head on over to the boy's place and get their asses over here so they can help us clean up the mess that they helped to make" I laughed at how Kelly put it, because it was true. For the whole entire weekend, those boys have been here eating our food and watching our TV. And that thought confused me because they are the world's biggest boy band! We should be the one eating their food and watching their TV since they could easily afford it without lifting a single pinkie. 

So now Kelly and I are walking over to the boy's room and Kelly just basically opened the door and walked in, just like what they do to us.

"Listen here you wankers" Kelly started, laughing a bit. "Nicole's parents just left and our apartment is basically trashed, and since you all were a part of making the mess, you are all going to help us since you guys probably have nothing better to do since you're all watching Barney" Once she finished it was a bit hard trying to contain myself from laughing. 

Looking back at all of the boys sitting on the couch, I could hear them groan out how they didn't want to help. 

"Okay.." Liam said "But only because we all had something to do with the mess, right boys?" He said as he got up, unlike the other boys.

In the corner of my eyes, I could see Kelly walking up and in front of who I believed was Zayn and plopped herself down onto his lap. "C'mon you guys..don't you want to help us?" She asked, trying to sound Innocent. Ha Kelly innocent, that's a knee slapper.

"Fine.." Zayn said, rolling his head back as Kelly smiles brightly and patted her head. I bet she's having the time of her life right there. 

"C'mon then!" Kelly said as she grabbed Zayn's hand and pulled him up onto his feet and Niall, Louis, and Harry followed in pursuit. "Okay Nikki, lead the way back to our place"

Sending Kelly a smile, I lifted my right hand in the air, making a fist, then led all of us back to our place.

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