7: Right Now

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Liam's POV

The next day and lad's and I are planning on disguising ourselves so we could walk around New York without getting mobbed.

Yes, we love our fans and all, but it gets really hard to do things by ourselves without someone recognizing us and causing a big commotion.

 "Okay lads, how are we going to do this?" I asked the others as we went through all of our clothes.

"How about we ask Lou if she can come over for a bit and do something to our hair to make us look different and then we borrow each other's clothes?" Niall suggested, which wasn't a bad idea.

"That's a good plan...what do you guys think?" I asked the others.

Louis, Zayn, and Harry all nodded their heads in agreement, also thinking that it's a good idea.

"I'll go call up Lou now and ask her" Harry said before he got up and went into the kitchen to make the call.

A minute later Harry walked out.

"She'll be right over" Harry smiled.

"Great..what should we do now then while we wait?" I asked.

"How about we visit those girls from next door?" Zayn suggested.

"I'm fine with that" Louis agreed.

We then all agreed and went over to Nicole and Kelly's place and knocked on their door.

At first I thought that they weren't home, so we started to head back to our place until the door opened to reveal Kelly on the other side of it.

"Oh..hey guys" She smiled as she leaned up against the door frame. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"We're just waiting for someone to come over and we don't have anything to do while we wait so we thought we'd come to visit" Harry said, showing off a smile, which caused Kelly to let out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah, come right in..but Nicole's in the shower, so don't try to scare her when she comes out" Kelly said. "I'm going to do something quickly so you guys can just make yourselves comfortable" and with that, Kelly walked into, what I believe, her bedroom.

In the distance me and the lads can hear someone singing in the shower. "DIANA! LET ME BE THE ONE TO, LIGHT THE FIRE INSIDE THOSE EYES" hearing the singing a bit more, I think that it's Nicole in there.

Soon enough, the singing stopped and Kelly walked out of her room in a different outfit than what she was in before.

"Sorry about that...I just had to get dressed, I got called into work today so I have to head out...but like I said before, don't scare Nicole when she gets out of the bathroom..and I mean it" Kelly said seriously before she opened the door to her apartment and left, leaving us with her roommate who has no idea that we're here.


Nicole's POV

I just got out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel. I knew that Kelly either left for work or is getting ready to leave. Saturday is always our laundry day, we had clothes that I was going to fold before I left for work in about an hour and a half. 

I turned on the music so it would play all over the apartment.  I walked into the living room and heard the tv on, I thought maybe Kelly hadn't left yet. I turned the corner and screamed. 

"What are you guys doing here?!" I screamed over the Ellie Goulding playing.

"We were here because we needed something to do until Lou came to help us with something, Kelly knew we were here!" Niall said turning a little red.

"Oh ok! As long as y'all just didn't barge in." I said looking down, " I am gonna get some clothes, I will be right back." 

I walked over to the couch and grabbed the hamper, I walked into my room and shut the door. I threw on my work pants and shirt. I brought the hamper back into the living room so I could fold with our company.

"So where do we have to go to wash our clothes?" Zayn asked grabbing the other hamper of clothes and starting folding them with Liam.

"Oh you guys don't have to do that!" I said trying to grab the basket away from them but Louis shook his head and grabbed the other basket, "There is a laundry room on the ninth and third floor, you have to bring your own soap and stuff. If you guys don't have anything yet, we have enough for you to borrow."

'That would be amazing!! Thank you!!" Harry said, "What do you want me to do with these folded clothes?" 

"Just put them back in the basket, thank you guys!!" I said grabbing one basket, I got up and went into Kelley's room. 

"So this is Kelley's room?" Liam said as they all walked in.

"Yea! Its not the biggest room ever but it's nice and she likes it!" they looked around the purple room, she has a queen bed with a gray and blue duvet. Tan carpeted floors, a blue, purple, and gray rug and a gray dresser. I put her clothes into her dresser, and closed the window to keep the warm air in.

We left her room and went into mine.  "And this is your room?" Louis asked.

I shook my head and watched as they looked around, my room was the same size as hers and it was a nice blue that wasn't to dark or to bright. My duvet was a dark grey and purple. I had a tan carpet with a purple, gray, and blue rug in the middle. My dresser was a dark blue with light blue trim.

We left my room and went into the bathroom so I could put away the towels, "So y'all have three hampers?" Niall said.

"Yes! One for the bathroom, towels mostly. One for her room and one for mine! We do laundry on Saturdays, and this is where we keep the detergent and stuff." I said opening up the closet, and showing where everything was kept. 

Harry was about to say something when I heard a knock at the door. I went down the hall and opened the door, "Hi my name is Lou, I think the boys of One Direction are here?"

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