50: She Looks So Perfect

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Liam's POV

"I don't know mum, I don't know where they are getting these pictures from. But the captions are ridiculous!" I said to my mum after she called me to see if I knew where these pictures were coming from.

These pictures seemed to be taken on a paparazzi quality camera, but they were pictures of all of us lads with our hands in the cookie jars.  They weren't pictures of us yelling at each other or anything of that sort, but just stupid pictures with awful captions.

I was pretending to box with Nicole in one picture, and I was smiling but she had an open mouth to breathe. The caption said that I enjoyed beating up on girls.

Another had Kelly and Zayn doing dishes, the caption said that at least one of Zayn's girls makes him do chores.

The last one on the website was Sydney and Harry playing cards, and the caption asking how many girlfriends did harry even have.

But none of them said who took the pictures.

I hung up with my mum and promised to video chat her later tonight. I left my room and went over to see Harry cleaning off the counters of our kitchen.

"Hey mate, have you seen these pictures?" I asked him and he shook his head, wiped off his hands, and grabbed my phone to look through them.

"Are you talking about the pictures that are on that one website?" Zayn asked from the living room.

"Yea, where the hell did those come from? Eleanor is pissed at me." Louis said, and I moved to the living room.

"Well the only people who could have taken those pictures are the girls." Niall said, "Should we go talk to them?"

We nodded our heads and started towards the door.

Ruthanna's POV

I was walking through Central Park, listening to music and thinking very deeply. I love the simple mystery of winter, all the world wants to do is freeze its memories and bring something even better. After about twenty minutes of walking I got to the subway, I sat down on a seat in the corner and started to look through the hate that the boys were receiving. I realized that I was starting to cry when a nice lady handed me a tissue and asked what was wrong.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm fine."

"Listen, honey, I have heard many things in my life, many things that I have grown tired of hearing, and that, my dear. Is the main one. So lets try this again. What's wrong?"

"I made a mistake."


"Huh?" I asked.

"You made a mistake, you're human, it happens. Congratulations. Listen, I don't know what mistake you made, and frankly, I don't care. So here is what I'm going to tell you, take the mistake you have made and try to fix it, but when you get to the point where you can't fix anything else, don't work anymore on it. Forgive yourself. You make mistakes, the trick is to learn from them, then not make them again."

I looked up at her as she stood up, "Well this is my stop, I hope you have a better day. Goodbye."

I thought about what she said, and as I got off the next stop, I called my boss one last time.

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