49: Salute

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Kelly's POV

As Nicole and I were on our way to work, Nicole tried to start a conversation, but I just wasn't in the mood.

I don't get why she can't give me a break? I just found out that Jeff has been cheating on me, not even three days ago, so yeah I'm still upset about it. And also having the boys find, and look through, my Tumblr is also something that bothers me.

Tumblr is a place where I can just get away from everyone and fangirl about my favorite bands. And since I post about One Direction, who know's what the saw what I said about them! I know I said a few, or a lot, of really weird things about the boys because I thought they wouldn't see it, but having them see it now is embarrassing. I'm truley afraid that the boys might think of me differently now just because of my blog, and I don't want that to happen.

"Don't tell me your mad at me" Nicole said, which brought me out of my thoughts as I looked at her.

I sighed. There is no possible way for me to be mad at Nicole. Nicole and I are like the sisters who never get mad at each other, which is also the reason why we live together, because we know that we probably won't get mad and kill each other.

"No, I'm not mad" I said before continuing. "I'm just not really in a mood to talk" I wrap my arms around my body as the temperature seemed to be getting colder.

"Is it because of what happened at home?" Nicole asked and I shrugged.

"Partly...I just feel embarrassed that the boys, out of all people, notice, let alone look at my blog. You know what kind of things I post on there" Nicole laughed because she does know what I post on there.

"Yeah, I do" She said with a nod to her head. "How about once we get off of work, you and me and go get some coffee and chill, maybe talk about things?"

I smiled at what Nicole said. "Yeah, that sounds great" And with that, we walked into the resturant and started to work.

RuthAnna's POV

"All I'm telling you is that I feel bad for doing this" I said to my boss through facetime. 

"I'm not paying you to feel bad, I'm paying you to get me pictures and stories of the One Direction boys"

"I know, I feel like they can trust me, and I don't want to ruin that" I said. Geez, I reallly hate my job right now, but it's a good pay and I can't afford to loose it, so I guess I have to suffer.

"RuthAnna," my boss started, and I don't want to hear the rest of what he's going to say. "I just want you do to one thing to give me a good article, that's all I'm asking from you."

"Okay....just one" I said before ending the conversation and heading back to Kelly and Nicole's place.

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