41: Another World

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Kelly's POV

We were about a half hour into Grey's Anatomy and let me just say that Nicole is now the definition of what you would call, smashed. She started to get giggly after her third shot, but after a few deaths and a lot of crying, Nicole is basically leaning against me mumbling about pizza.

I wasn't sober, but I wasn't as drunk at Nicole at the moment, since I went to the bathroom at one point and left Nicole to watch the episode that we were on.

But once we got to the end of the second episode I decided that Nicole probably had enough, she never drank this much before and I don't want her to wake up with a giant hangover in the morning.

"Hey Nikki...let's go to bed" I said as I took the glass and bottle away from her.

"No..I need more" She whined as she tried to grab the glasses from me.

"No you don't" I sighed, "You had more than enough" And before I could recal what was happening next, Nicole got up and almost pushed me over and ran to the bathroom where the sounds of gagging were soon heard.

"Great" I said, "I have to deal with a puking Nicole for the rest of the night" but before I could put the bottle away there was a knock on the door.

"Be there in a minute" I called out before I almost tripped over my own feet, trying to put the bottle away. Walking back to the door I let out a sigh before I unlocked the door so I could open it. With the sounds of Nicole still throwing up, I opened the door to see a face that I wasn't really expecting to see. 


Harry's POV

It was about around midnight when I heard my phone go off on the side table in our living room.

It was a text, from Nicole. It was probably her telling me that she's home and safe. But when I opened it I couldn't help but frown when I read it.

From: Nikki-Boo xx

Heyyyy hattu! i"m hhome :0

Dr. Hagler

Before I had the chance to respond, my phone went off, showing another text from Nicole.

From: Nikki-Boo xx

I feil weird! this stuff i'm drinking is yummiy! You sould cum over!1!!! i mliss you!

Dr. Hagler

Maybe I should go over, just to see if she's alright. 

It ended up taking me a bit to go over because the lads and I were watching a show and they didn't want me to leave. So I showed them the texts that Nicole sent me, understanding why I need to go over, and had them making fun of me for the name that I had Nicole under. But after I told them to bugger off I left our place and walked aross the hall until I stood in front of the pale wooden door that separated me and the other apartment.

For some reason, I knocked on the door. Not just walking in like I usually did, maybe because of the time.

A few seconds after I knocked I heard a faint voice from the other side. Waiting for a few more moments outside in the hall before the door opened to show Kelly.

"Hey.." Kelly started, sounding a bit confused, probably because I just showed up.

"Hey..I just wanted to check on Nicole" I said and I can see Kelly's face drop a bit.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well she texted me a bit ago and I-"

"Nicole texted you?" Kelly asked, cutting me off.

"Yeah...they looked a bit weird and she also asked me to come over..why?"

"Oh Nicole...shit Nicole" Kelly then cussed before she ran into the bathroom, leaving the door wide open.

Since I was feeling a bit worried, I stepped into their apartment, letting myself in and following Kelly into the bathroom where I saw Nicole hovering over the toilet as gags left her mouth with Kelly holding her hair back.

"What the happened?" I asked an Kelly looked at me and sighed.

"Nicole wasn't feeling so well after she got back so her and I played this Grey's Anatomy drinking game and well..I bet you can tell how that all turned out."

"Why were the two of you drinking? You're not even legal" I said and I could hear Kelly scoff over Nicole's puking.

"It's not like you never drank before you were 18" She fired back, and she was right.

"Fine..Want me to go get her some water?"

"Please..she's going to need it"

I nodded my head before I walked into the kitchen to get Nicole a glass of water.

When I returned to the bathroom, Nicole was no longer hovering over the toilet, but she looked horrible.

Her skin was pale, paler than my own skin, she was sweating, she just looked...drunk.

"hey babe" I started softly as I kneeled down in front of her and placed my hand on her shoulder and out the glass in front of her. "Here..drink this, you need it" and lucky enough, Nicole didn't fight back as she opened her mouth, probably too tired to lift her arms up, so I put the glass up to her dry lips until she was taking gulpe of water to rehydrate herself.

"Better?" I asked and Nicole nodded her head. "Good...do you want to go to bed?" She nodded her head again so sending a smiling up to Kelly who was taking the glass from my hands, I went and picked Nicole up easily into a bridal style before I carried her into her room where I laid her down onto her bed.

"Now if you feel like you're going to be sick again, I'm putting this garbage can right next to your bed, and Kelly is going to get you a cup of water for you also..so try to get some sleep okay babe?" I asked.

"I..yeah" Nicole said as she laid on her bed.

Leaning in to kiss her forehead, I murmured.

"Good night babe...we'll talk in the morning." An with that, I left.

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