29: Little Things

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Louis's POV

We walked into a nice resturant, we were lucky and nobody noticed us.  I think that was mostly because we all were wrapped up in scarves and beanies, to protect ourselves from the cold and wind.

I sat down at a booth, Harry, Nicole, and Kelly slid in next to me.  On the other side it was Niall, Tanna, Sydney, Liam, then Zayn sitting across from Kelly.

We were sitting around looking through the menu, and talking, Nicole and I were play tic-tac-toe, over Harry. Zayn and Kelly were playing something on Nicole's phone, and we were just having a banging time! Our food came soon after that, and we all dug in, half way through her omlete, Nicole's phone rang.

"Hello?" She said with a mouth full of food.

"Who is it?" Kelly asked.

"Traci," Nicole looked at her, "What's up lady?"

Sydney looked over at Tanna, they shrugged.

"I would love to, what time?" Nicole said looking at her watch.

"That sounds great! Do you want me to pick you up?  No,  ok! See you later then! Good bye!" Nicole hung up and put her phone back into her pocket.

"What's going on?" Kelly asked.

"Traci just asked me if I wanted to go to the gym and play some volleyball with her. Around two o'clock." Nicole kept eating.

We continuted eating, right as Niall and I were about to start agruing with each other about who was paying for the check,  some guy came up to Kelly.

"Excuse me ma'am, I can't help but notice that you are extremely goregous, I was wondering if you were free this Friday night?" He said.

"Well actually I-" She was about to say no but Nicole interrupted.

"She is free, how does five sound?" 

Kelly was about to kill Nicole.

"That sounds great!" He said, "My name is Jeff, this is my number. Give me a text. What is your name by the way?"

"Kelly. I will be sure to text you, have a nice day." She said and Jeff walked away, "Nicole! Seriously what were you thinking!"

"I was thinking along the lines of he is hot." She took a drink of water and Harry cleared his throat.

She girls starting laughing, "He could be a murderer!" Kelly said.

"If you are so freaked out, Nicole and I could go with you on a double date!" Harry said as we got out of the table, he helped Nicole get her jacket on and Nicole nodded her head.

"Fine! But if he murders me. I will kill you both."

Sydney's POV

We got back to the apartment, and Harry went back to his place to take a shower. Nicole went into her room, then came out a few mintues later in spandex and a t-shirt, she grabbed her bag, and was getting ready to walk out the door. 

"Where are you going?" Liam said.

"To go play volleyball." she grabbed a water.

"You play volleyball?" He said.

"You don't?" we said at the exact same time, "Nicole and I used to play volleyball together in high school."

He shook his head, as if he understood,

"Have fun playing volleyball and having really hot sex Nicole!" Kelly yelled from over at the other end of the couch, as Nicole opened the door.

"Well if you got it, flaunt it!" she shook her ass, that we were always jelious of in high school.

"Oh really?" Harry said from the other end of the doorway. 

"Yep!" Nicole said, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek, said goodbye then walked away.

Harry walked in grabbed Niall and Louis to go play some video games and went back to his place. Zayn went to call Perrie, Kelly had some homework to do, and Tanna had to do some work.

So Liam and I were left alone, I turned on their PS3 and turned to Netflix.

"I think it's crazy how they can afford all this stuff, eventhough they are in college. Lets watch a scary movie." Liam said.

"They are really responisble with their money, and Nicole gets a lot of stuff from her family, like presents wise. Kelly doesn't get as much, because for some reason, her family doesn't want to spoil her or whatever." I picked paranormal activity four, and we watched. 

Once we got to the scary part, I started freaking out, I really don't like scary movies, but Liam wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me close. After we finished that movie, he put on another movie, and we soon fell asleep. 

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