51: Try Hard

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Nicole's POV

"Okay so we need to figure out who is taking these pictures of you guys" I said as the five boys, Kelly, and I were looking at the multiple pictures of the boys what were taken while they were with us.

"It has got to be someone we know" Kelly said, and I agree with her 100%.

"Yeah, it's more logical since the person who is taking these photos has to be here to take them"

"What if it's Jeff?" Kelly asked, I thought about it, it seems logical, but that boy is so stupid I don't even think he knows how to tie his own shoes.

"I don't think it's him" I said before I turned and looked over at the boys, "Do you guys have anyone in mind?"

"It has got to be someone who has a camera first off, and likes to take pictures" Liam said an one person came to mind after that.


Kelly's POV

I don't like how we all think Tanna was the one who is taking all of these pictures, but it's the most reasonable person who would do this.

So right now we are waiting for Tanna to get back. And soon enough, the door unlocked and opened, showing Tanna with the strap of her camera hanging around her neck.

"Hey guys" She said.

"RuthAnna," Nicole started for us, "we need to talk to you" 

Tanna's lips curved down in a frown because whenever Nicole uses Tanna's full name, you know she's in trouble. Whenever Nicole uses anyone's first name in that voice, you know they are in trouble.

"Yeah?"She said as she closed the door behind her. "About what?"

"Have you been taking pictures of the boys and sending them to the tabloids?" Nicole asked, ripping the band aid off.

"I...er" Tanna stuttered, and whenever she stutters you know she's guilty.

"Yes, I did" She finally confessed.

"Why though?" Niall asked instead of Nicole.

"Because I need the money" Tanna said "And it's the only reason why I'm here"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you see, back in London I work for this company and I took picture of celebrities, and when my boss got the news that the boys were living on New York City right now he basically shipped me off here because I knew that Nicole and Kelly live here, and since the boys were your neighbors, I thought this would be easy, but it wasn't"

I felt really bad for Tanna. I can tell that she doesn't like what she does, but what she says about it, I know that it's a good paying job so how could Tanna leave a job like that.

"Is there anyway you can stop taking pictures of the boys?" Nicole asked this time.

"I'm not sure, all my boss wanted me to do is to take pictures of the boys, and I don't think he'll like it if I said that I can't anymore. He'll probably fire me, and I don't have the money to go back to London where my home is, so I don't really have a choice that would have a good outcome.  I tried calling him to talk about it, but it went to the answering machine."

In the corner of my eye I could see the five boys whispering to each other, Nicole and I shared confused looks before Harry spoke.

"Okay, the lads and I have an idea"

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