5: Happily

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Kelly's POV


I was currently walking down the non busy streets of New York as I tried to call Nicole. I called her multiple times already to tell her that I'm going to be home a bit later because I stopped to get the two of us hoagies from Subway.

It's a bit strange why she hasn't been answering my calls, she usually does, and I know that she's home. Maybe she couldn't hear her phone over her music? Maybe that's it.

I soon stopped in the middle of the street as I heard a bunch of girls screaming in the distance. I continued to walk and the screams just got louder and louder. Also, the closer I got, I started to understand what they were call screaming.


Oh no.

They know the boy's are in the RoseWood.

"Shit" I cussed to myself as I turned the corner to see that the entire block has been blocked by a bunch of screaming girls with four leave clovers and carrots on their faces. That's original.

"Excuse me, I'm trying to get through" I said as I walked into the ocean of screams. 

As I got closer to the entrance of the apartment building, I was stopped by a man who seemed to look familiar to me. "I'm sorry Miss, but I can't let you get any closer" He said, an Irish accent written in his words.

"I'm just trying to get to my apartment...I live here" I said, pointing to the building.

The man's face turned from stern to a look of understanding. "I'm sorry Miss, it's hard to tell who's here to get to their homes, and who's here just to see One Direction" 

And as soon as he said 'One Direction' the crowd of girls shrilled up into screams, causing me to wince at it's loudness. "It's okay" I shouted so he would hear me.

With a nod, the man, who I finally realized that it was Paul, let me pass and I was then on my way up to my apartment.


Zayn's POV


"That's a lot of people out there" I said to the lads, and Nicole, as we watched a live watching of the news about us being at the RoseWood. "Hopefully your roommate get's here easily"

The rest of the lads nodded their head in agreement before we heard the front door unlocking and opening.

"I'm home...and have you heard of a thing called a fucking phone?" The girl, who I'm assuming is Kelly, said. "I called you multiple times and all I got was that annoying voice mail of yours." She added, unaware that we're here as she put her things on their table.

"And I thought I would be nice and bring you home some subw-" Her voice was cut off and her mouth was wide open like she was still going to keep on talking.

"Uh...hi" Kelly said, looking over us.

We all said our 'hi's' before she walked over to Nicole and grabbed her wrist and dragged them into one of their rooms.

Kelly's POV

"Why didn't you answer your phone...and why didn't you tell us that One Direction is in our apartment?" I asked as I closed the door of my bedroom so the boy's wouldn't her us.

"I'm sorry! I had it on vibrate and I left it on my bed!" Nicole said.

"But you didn't think to just call or text me saying that the boys are in our apartment?" I asked.

"Wait, why are they even in our apartment?"

So she explained to me why they were in our apartment, and also that she was just about to finish the chapter in her book and call me to see were I was. 

"So are we gonna sit in here and argue about stupid shit, or are we going to go and join our Fucking famous company?!" Nicole said grabbing my hand.




 “Shut up Kelly, do you want to freak them out?” 

“Don’t tell me that Nikki!! You get freaked out when their is even a sliver of a Haylor rumor comes back!!!” 

"You freak out more than I do about it!"

”Oh shit not again!!” Nicole and I stopped our yelling when we heard someone scream on the other side of the door.

"I think they heard us" I said as I looked at the door then back at Nicole.

"No shit they heard us you inbreed" Nicole said, rolling her head. "Just go and get changed and I'll make sure that we didn't scare them away" and with that, Nicole opened the door of my bedroom and walked into our living room that One Direction is currently sitting in.

As soon as I heard the door lock, I quickly changed into the comfiest things i can find, which were a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms and a sweater that I got when I went shopping with Nicole, and I put my hair up in a messy bun.

And with that, I opened my door and walked out.

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