55: Never Be

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Kelly's POV

Nicole has been gone for almost two hours and it's almost time for my shift to start, so I excused myself from the others to get ready. I sent Nicole a quick text saying that I'll be arriving to work soon, but I know she won't text back because she isn't the kind of person to text during a shift.

Once I was in my work clothes I slipped out of my bedroom, said a quick good bye to everyone who was in the apartment and walked out into the streets of New York.

On my way to work I couldn't help but internally freak out at the thought of Nicole not being able to pay her half of this month's rent, I could barely get my half at times, and with me also helping pay for all the take out, i'm afraid to check my own account. With everything that just happened, I'm with Nicole on this all, Tanna and Syd should know that we aren't millionaires and we can't afford to go out, or get take out, every night.

When I arrived at work I decided to ask if I can get more hours, and if I can't, I'll go out and find a second job. Nicole and I need more money, and if we keep on having to feed nine people, we're going to be needing all the money we can get.

I walked in and the first thing I see is Nicole at the bar taking orders and giving people their drinks. I decided not to bother her at this second and walked into the kitchen to get everything I need to start tonight's shift.


Thirty minutes later I decided to talk to Nicole for a bit, since there are hardly any one in here at the moment.

"If you're here to tell me that I overreacted then you should just walk away now." Nicole snapped at me.

"I wasn't going to tell you anything, I was going to ask how you were doing." I said, and it was the truth. And I wasn't even going to say that she overreacted because I agree with her with everything. We both of students loans that we need to pay off, we need money for our rent, and we need money for food and other things we need to live out here.

"What do you think?" Nicole snapped. I don't get why she's snapping at me. It's not like I'm happy about this. If she can't do her half in rent, how can I cover both of ours?

"Don't be getting snappy with me." I said. "You're not the only one that's freaking out. This month has been hell with everything, plus I' haven't been getting a lot of hours because of college, I didn't even check my bank account yet and I'm afraid of seeing the amount." I don't know where all that came, but I'm glad that it came out because Nicole calmed down a bit and sighed.

"I don't know what we're suppose to do." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"Neither do I. Everything was fine until everyone started to show up and basically use our home as their own, but without the whole finance stuff."

"We should think of something that might fix this." Nicole said.

"The boys did offer to pay back for everything, and help us with this month's rent, but I know how you are with letting people pay for you, except if it's for a date." I added in jokenly.

Nicole chuckled a bit before rubbing her face. "I just need a bit more overtime so I can get my half of rent."

"Maybe we can just have them help us pay for food, like buying groceries, so we can make meals instead of ordering them, like how we did before everything got crazy."

"Maybe" Nicole shrugged, then the front door rang, meaning someone was there, so I got up.

"We can talk more about this after our shift." I said, "When does yours end?"

"10, what about you?"

"11, but we'll talk more when we get home, I'm going to see who walked in." I didn't wait for Nicole to respond when I got up and went back to the front. I'm glad that Nicole wasn't being snappy with me when we talked, since I know she understands that I'm freaking out as well.

I grab what I need to take people's orders and put a smile on my face.

"Hello, how many are th-Harry?" I stared at him for a moment, wondering why he's here, and behind him were the other guys and they all look upset. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I, well, we need to talk to you and Nicole." Harry said, who looked real upset, so I went to get Nicole, who didn't want to see him at first, but I finally got her out and we all sat down at a booth.

"So what's so important that you need to tell us while we're working?" Nicole asked, she didn't sound rude or annoyed, just curious.

"Well, we got a call from management a little bit right after Kelly left for work." Liam started, "and it looks like our stay in New York is over."

"What?" Nicole and I said at the same time.

"We have to be leaving for Brazil by Friday, so we can get started on our stadium tour."

Nicole and I looked at each other. They're leaving already? It seemed like yesterday we bumped into them in the hall.

"So, you're just going to leave and forget about us?" Nicole said, looking at her boyfriend.

"It's not like that Nicole." Harry sighed, trying to grab for Nicole's hand, but he moved it out of the way. She's upset.

"I wish we could stay longer but we can't, we have fans that have been waiting to see us for months, we can't let them down." Harry tried to convince Nicole that every thing's going to be alright, but we both knew that it wasn't.

"Did you tell Tanna and Syd?" I asked, trying to change the subject for a bit.

"Yeah" Niall said this time. "They were a bit upset, but understood and they knew this was going to come sooner or later."

"So you guys have until Friday here, then you're going to leave?" They all nodded and sighed.

"I hope you guys aren't mad at us for this all." Louis said.

"We're not." Nicole said, speaking for the both of us. "It's just upsetting since we've gotten so close to you guys and now you're leaving." Oh dear, Nicole's getting all choked up. But thankfully Zayn put his arm around her and helped her calm down a bit.

The seven of us talked for a few more minutes before we had to get back to work, so they just went back to the complex so they could get packed up for tour, leaving Nicole and I upset for the rest of our shift.

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