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Calum got home earlier than usual. He found Annie sitting at the kitchen table, staring into empty space.

It's good, he told himself. She's out of her room, on her own.

He still felt guilty. He wasn't sure how Annie would take the news.

"Hey Annie?" He asked. She immediately snapped out of her daze, looking at Calum expectantly. "I'm going to be gone tonight, and I'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

Annie tensed up, worried about what was coming next. Was he going to leave her here, alone? Sure, that's how she spent most days anyways, but it was always worse at night.

Cal sighed. "I'm sorry. I have to go though, so I brought a friend to keep you company."

Annie's eyes widened, as Luke walked into the room, making sad jazz hands.

"Hey Red," he announced. He walked over to where Annie sat- not at the table, but on top of the table- and ruffled her hair. Annie jumped to fix it, but cracked a small smile.

Before long Calum had left and Luke walked over to the couch, Annie trailing behind. When he sat down, Annie say crisscrossed next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Luke looked startled. "You're acting like a house cat," he observed. "Following me around and whatnot".

Annie slouched, not knowing if she should respond. She was like a house cat in a lot of ways, she supposed- not really talking, rarely leaving her room (cage) on her own, not knowing how to provide. Ever since the knife incident the other day, she had crawled back into her shell, and Calum and her hadn't had another full conversation since.

Was something wrong with her? Annie remembered when she had first gotten to the boys house, in the beginning. She had talked, she had joked, she had enough perverted humor to share. And now?

"Fvck." Annie said. Luke, who had already gone onto his phone, slowly lowered it and looked at her.


Annie cleared her throat, and said it again. "Fvck."

"What do you mean, fvck?"

Annie stood up from the couch, walking to her room. Before she disappeared into the hallway, she turned around, both middle fingers raises, and whispered "fvck you."

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