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Questions for the Author:
(You can call me DumpsterDiving101, Doopadoop101, or Dumpy. Feel free to come up with your own nickname for me too (I'm starting a collection.))

Can you tell us your most embarrassing moment while writing this book/series?
  There are two that immediately come to mind.
  1) I wrote one chapter in the first book where Ashton was basically teasing Michael, and trying to explain the concept of consent to him. It was a very steamy chapter to write (though it may not have turned out that way). I was at my Catholic grandmother's house while writing it, just panting and giggling and sweating in the corner. Yep. That actually happened.
  2) There's this boy who sits next to me in my English and History classes. I mentioned that I write a fan fiction, and when he asked if he could read it, I told him no because 'it's weird.' He immediately thought that meant that I was writing a kinky fanfiction. He then insisted on reading it. When I said I wouldn't let him, he said he'd find it. He sits next to me in class, remember, so from time to time he'd look over and try to read as I wrote it. The class was incredibly quiet when he decided to say (loudly) "-utterly and completely in love-". My entire class now knows that I write a romance novel, and they already knew I wrote fanfiction. *facepalm*

What are the subplots?
  Subplots are like mini storylines that connect to the main plot of this book. For example, the main storyline is what's happening to Annie through this series. But there is a subplot with Luke and Calum. Annie isn't directly related to their interactions, but it still relates to the plot. The (main) subplots in this book are Luke x Calum, Annie x Calum, Annie x Mikey, Johanna x John and Johanna x Annie.

Shhh don't tell anybody it's from me but can I ship Johanna X Annie or is that forbidden?
  This is a safe zone, ship whoever you want. Just know that this author ships Calum and Annie to the ends of the Earth, so there probably won't be a lot of Jannie action.

Can you try to get Calum all like idk... Like daddy I guess? Well what I'm trying to say is can you add a smut chapter?
  When I saw this question it actually ruined my life. If anyone is confused, they are asking if I can work a daddy kink into this book. Okay, to the daddy thing- probably not. I'll keep an open mind though. And to a smut chapter, well, what do you guys think? Yeah? No?   K, well I'm not planning on it regardless. I'll try writing another steamy chapter for you though. (Maybe I could write some interesting bathtub smoot, huh?)

What were John and Johanna? Like were they a couple or anything?
  They met in high school. They were the two kids that everyone thought were either engaged or related. In high school, the lines between friends and bf/gf definitely became blurred. But in California, they were never dating. (They did however, have some interesting 'connections' which I believe Luke mentioned in a previous chapter).

Are the rest of the boys gonna come to Cannie's house anytime soon? I really just want Mikey and Annie to be remotely chill with each other even though that's probably impossible.
  Well, Luke came over to help Calum with the bass, and Ashton comes over sometimes. Mikey isn't welcomed in Calum and Annie's house for obvious reasons.

Any foreshadowing hints you can give us that lead us to figure out the future of the book?
  Yes. Pay close attention to Luke's character. And keep an eye out for warning signs in Calum's behavior. But remember that every action has an opposite and equal reaction, meaning there will bad to accompany the good, and vice versa. (Also, remember what the title is. Relate it back to Mikey.)


  I haven't even left California yet. I still need to talk to my landlord and pack my things, and make accommodations for New York. (I get the reference though.)

Do you remember Johanna? Do you two still talk; are you guys even still friends?
  How do I put it- Johanna isn't exactly the type of person you can forget. We were close friends all through high school, and then we worked together for four years. But we don't exactly talk anymore. We both are a bit too logical- we know that we won't see each other for a long time, if ever again, so we aren't going to struggle to retain a connection when it would die out eventually. Maybe it isn't the best. Maybe we should be more sentimental. But we aren't, so this is just how it works.

Mikey & Ashton
How are you guys holding up the fort without Luke and Calum there at the moment? Did you guys burn down the house already?
  Mikey: He's just been gone for like an hour or two. I don't even think I've gotten off the couch since he's been gone.

  Ashton: Oh, Luke's gone? That's why no one's been bothering me.

What are you and Michael? Because you guys sure have been spending a lot of time together than recently.
  Honestly, we have been spending a lot more time together lately, but it feels kinda normal. Like, we're getting used to it. Most of the time Luke is there too, but sometimes he isn't so me and Mikey either ignore each other until he gets better or text, even though we're in the same house. It's kind of pathetic actually.

So Johns a goldfish? Was that a Furry type relationship or..?
  I'm ignoring this question.

How'd you meet John?
  He road his bike home from school his freshman year. I walked. We ended up just going together, him biking slowly next to me, and we'd talk. He came over to my house a few time, and was really weird back them. He'd leave goldfish in my fridge. Freaked my parents out a bit. Honestly, he hadn't changed much since then.

So are you going to temporarily take care of Johanna now that she lost her marbles?
  Nah, she's fine. She just was overworked with the Calum thing, and with John leaving at the same time. She's too capable to be crazy for that long.

How exactly are you dealing with Calum's injury and lack of voice? Do you feel frustrated or whatever by it?
  I'm trying not to worry about it. I mean, honestly it's terrifying. But at least he is going to be back playing the bass soon. He'll always have that. And he's getting speech therapy. If there's anyway for him to get his voice back, they'll find it.

Is your voice getting better? (By better I mean at first you couldn't make any sound but now you can make like a bit of noise)
  A bit. I can make a weird raspy noise now, which is better than what it was. I just hope that the speech therapy works.

  I mean, she has short hair. That's kind of punk rock. I don't think Annie being punk rock is currently the biggest priority.

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