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  "Good, you two are here. Annie, nice touch with the shirt," Johanna complimented. Annie was wearing a shirt that was very obviously Calum's, and dark jeans. "Calum, you go in to get your makeup done. Annie, well see if we can squeeze you in to see one of the stylists."

  Annie nodded, though she couldn't care less. She let Calum leave her side, his hand pulled away from hers. She dropped the act for the moment. "Johanna, what's my angle."

  Johanna of course, already had it figured out. Annie would be Calum's sweet, but slightly perverted girlfriend. The fans would love her, but more than anything, relate to her. They would play up the fact that she she'd to be a fan too, and it would make all the fans love her even more- she's living proof that it's possible. Annie just wouldn't let them know exactly how she met the boys.

  Luke walked past her, and Annie smiled. "Hey Luke."

  He gave her a terrified expression, and Johanna gave him a look like come on, play along.

  "Oh, hi Annie," he said in a strained voice. "How are you?"

  She smiled at him dumbly. "I'm going to cut off your testes. Act more natural during the interview, yeah?"

  His eyes widened as a stylist pulled Annie aside to screw with her face.


  "And no one would tell us anything! The fandom is so curious, I insisted on inviting your girlfriend here today!" The interviewer, someone a bit old to be fangirling over a band like he was, said.

  Annie smiled in a way she imagined was winning, leaning against Calum with his arm around her. She should've expected that she'd be known only as 'Calum's girlfriend'. This would normally be annoying enough, but today, with her be Calum fighting, it was even worse.

  She sat up, extending a hand to the interviewer, a sweet smile on her voice. "My names actually Annie, not Calum's girlfriend. Nice to meet you."

  He flushed red, apologizing quickly before changing subject. They talked music for a little while, before turning the conversation back to their social lives- a.k.a. Annie. The entire time, Annie sat right up next to Calum, their couple status obvious. On her other side was Ashton, then Luke and Michael.

  "So, you have to tell me, how did the two of you meet?"

  Annie smiled. "I actually met all the boys first, but a Calum and I hit it off right away."

  Michael nodded, feigning professionalism. "She was being chased by police when she climbed up a 12 story building." He lied.

  Ashton cleared his throat. "She hang-glided off the top of the building, carrying a bouquet of roses and an orphaned puppy."

  Calum tried to hold in his laughter, as Luke added on to the story. "She then broke through the security at one of our shows and snuck into our dressing room."

  "That's not true!" Annie defended, only disagreeing with Luke's addition.

  "Yeah," Calum agreed. "She didn't sneak into the dressing room."

  "Was that before or after she held us at gunpoint?" Ashton asked reminiscently.

  "Good times," Calum agreed. Michael reached over and smacked him on the back of the head.

  The interview nodded, as though all of this was completely true. "So, I'm curious about how your relationship is with the other boys. Michael, what about you? Is Annie easy to swallow?"

  Michael choked on his own spit at the surely unintended innuendo, and Ashton hit him on the back. He looked at the interviewer with a particular form of hatred, but cleared his threat quietly and agreed, "yeah, she's... easy enough to swallow."

  "Pervert." Luke murmured, just loud enough for the microphones to pick up.

  "Okay, okay," the interviewer said, completely unaware of his poor weird choice. "Luke, what about you?"

  Luke laughed painfully. "Annie's great!" He said without enthusiasm.

  Ashton snorted. "One time, Annie flipped him. She could beat us all in a fight if she tried. Heck, she already has."

  A bit of an overstatement, but they all nodded grimly as if it were true.

  "Calum, how do you like Annie? At least, I'm guessing you like her. Do you have any nicknames for each other?"

  Calum laughed. "Oh yeah, I can her Honeybunches and she calls me Sweetiepie."

  Luke turned, making a retching motion towards one of the cameras. The audience laughed.

  Annie shook her head. "I'd tell you what we call each other, but this is a family show."

  Ashton laughed, hiding his face in his hands.

  Calum flicked him. "Not like that, you dweeb. She calls me an idiot and I call her a-"

  "Oh, looks like it's time for a commercial break!" The interviewer announced, cutting him off.

  The producer gestured that they were off air, and some of the crew ran up on stage, messing with the camera and all that. Johanna came up to them, and informed Calum and Annie that this year, Calum would be going on a date with some girl to homecoming as a charity thing. Annie only had a few seconds to process before the cameras were back on them.

  "So I heard that you'll be going to homecoming with a lucky girl this year, is that true?" The interviewer said.

  Annie swallowed nervously, smiling as Calum answered the question. "Yeah, Ashton, Michael and I all will."

  The interviewer looked at Annie with raised eyebrows. "And what do you think about that?"

  She smiled sweetly. "Obviously I'm fine with it. When I was a fan, I would've killed for that chance. Besides, I know Calum would never cheat on me."


  Calum smiled, squeezing her shoulder.

  "Besides, it's not like we're going to be grinding at a school dance," Ashton said reassuringly.

  "Speak for yourself," Michael muttered, the audience reacting hugely. He smirked, winking.

  Luke coughed, speaking in a falsetto. "Leave room for Jesus!"


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