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  Three really was their lucky number. Because it was three weeks from the accident, when Calum was able to take his cast off. He'd had to keep it on for longer than expected, because Johanna insisted he made sure their was no way his hand could get worse before the cast was removed. Even now, she insisted he wore an ace bandage wrapped tightly around the once sprained hand, as an extra precaution. It was rediculous.

  Because of the cast (and his not practicing for so long), Calum wasn't ready to play. Maybe it was also a little bit of emotional trauma- if he couldn't sing, he was afraid of playing the bass.

  So he pulled out his bass, sitting on the living room carpet (the most romantic place in the entire house), and texted Annie.

To Annie: Living room, let me teach you how to play bass.

From Annie: It'll be difficult without me talking.

To Annie: Then talk. Can you sing?

From Annie: Better than you, Hood.

  It wasn't a lie- Calum currently couldn't sing at all, so no matter how bad Annie was, she'd be better than him. The idea, no matter how depressing, actually made him grin a little.

  Annie came into the living room, smirking evilly. "So you finally decided that I should just take your place in the band. It's okay, no one will notice, I promise. I'll put my arms around the other boys and take naked pictures and pretend not to be gay even though I'm secretly banging Luke-"

  Calum kissed her, shutting her up. I hate you, he mouthed.

  "Love you too," she winked.

  Calum sat crisscross on the floor, next to his bass, and patted the floor in front of him. Annie sat down, and was handed the bass.

   She looked at it, no idea how to hold it. Calum smiled. It was weird seeing someone struggle with something you knew. Calum could play the bass in his sleep. And here Annie was, not even knowing where to put her hands.

  I know where she could put her hands, Calum thought to himself. Quickly shaking the thought out of his head, he tried to wipe the stupid smile off his face.

  He reached around her, showing Annie how to hold it and adjusting where it rested on her lap. He put the strap around her shoulder, and helped her place her elbow.

  Calum leaned to the side, flipping on the amp and plugging in the cord on the side of the bass.

  "Don't I need a pick?" Annie asked, focused on the bass sitting in her lap. Calum shook his head.

  He adjusted himself behind her, and pulled out his phone. What song do you want to learn to play? He typed, showing Annie the screen.

  "Oh, Bohemian Rhapsey for sure."

  Calum raised his eyebrows, but moved to position Annie's the right way. He was pretty sure there wasn't a bass part in that song, but okay then.

  Annie laughed. "I'm joking. I don't know, something easy? Perhaps some hot cross buns?"

  Calum rolled his eyes, placing Annie's hands on the correct part of the fretboard. She tried to relax it, and he pushed her thumb against the side, showing her how to hold it.

  Annie smiled, but she watched intently. She wasn't just doing this to amuse Calum- she was going to at least learn how to hold the bass correctly.

   Calum was smiling too, glad to be working with his bass again, even though he wasn't the one playing it. He showing Annie where to press on the fretboard, then turned to her other hand.

  He showed her where to pluck, and demonstrated using his own fingers. Annie watched with a surprising amount of concentration, mimicking the way he plucked with his index and middle fingers. His motions were a lot more smooth, his technique perfect after hours and hours and hours of practice. But Annie didn't fail too badly.

  He changed his mind and grabbed a pick from his case, helping Annie learn how to hold it. Honestly, it was like teaching someone how to walk for the first time, like how do you not know how?  But Calum was too as ease to be bothered.

  It took Annie about 15 minutes to get hot cross buns down. It sounded pretty stupid on a bass, but at least she figured out how to hold it correctly.

  Calum jumped up and walked to his room, digging around a chest of music until he found what he was looking for. It was wrinkled, but still legible.

  Another 15 minutes until Annie got a basic understanding of reading notes, though it was very, very basic. Calum rested his head on her shoulder, holding the neck of the bass to control the difficult part. Annie started plucking, slowly.

  It was a while later that the notes were legible. "You sneaky little fuck, you're trying to teach me the lines to 'She's Kinda Hot".

  Calum grinned. And it only took an hour until the notes were comprendable enough for her to notice. They'd gotten through the first few notes that day, not even to the part where Luke would start singing. But it was progress, and before too long Calum would be playing the bass as normal. Maybe not singing, but playing the bass as normal.

  He showed Annie how to put the instrument away. Then, she leant against his chest, and sighed.

  "That's really difficult."

  He snorted.

  "No, really. I have a newfound respect for bassists."

  Calum grinned, typing on his phone. He handed it to Annie.

  I'll have to have Luke come over so I can play the bass with someone who's good at it.

  Annie turned around, smacking his chest playfually. "You suck!"

  He winked, sending them both into a fit of chuckles.

  She pushed him over, falling onto his chest. "Actually though, I hate you."

  And then they kissed.

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