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  The living room was a mess. The boys were rolling out sleeping bags, trying to fit them all in the little living room. It was a bit easier after moving the coffee table, but still unlikely.

  While the boys did that, Annie sat on the couch, her legs crossed under her and swaying from side to side tiredly.

  "So who am I going to sleep with?" she asked tiredly, ignoring the implications.

  Michael scoffed, rolling his eyes. "With me of course!"

  "Touch me and I'll show you just how deadly a butter knife can be", Annie retorted without a pause. Even dead tired her comebacks were on point.

  "I don't know why you're even asking," Ashton replied with a hint of a smile. "I mean, you're actually dating one of us. Wouldn't you just sleep- in the same bed as him?"

  The others nodded at the obvious answer, but Annie shook her head impatiently. "Nah. I'll sleep with Luke. Otherwise he'll sleep with Calum and I'll have to kill him in his sleep."

  Luke's eyes widened in slight surprise, but he expected as much. "Sure. Annie's a better cuddler than all of you anyways."

  Calum scoffed. "Excuse me?"

  Ashton burst out laughing, relizing. "Calum! I just got it! You have a type!"
  Michael looked at Annie and Luke before laughing too. "You totally do!"

  "What do you mean?" Calum asked, unsure what was going on.

  "Oh come on! It's plain to see! Annie and Luke, they're both blond- okay, maybe a bit of a stetch, but red hair isn't that far off. And they both are good cuddlers!"

  Annie and Luke looked at each other wearily before Annie smirked. "Then I guess I'm winning, if he's dating you."

  "Where's the key to the knife drawer again?" Luke asked scowling.

  Annie shook her head, dismissing it. "Nevermind. Luke's accepted it. He knows I'm winning. Luke, which sleeping bag is yours?"

  "Let me just show you." In one swift movement, he stepped over a sleeping bag and grabbed Annie, slinging her over his shoulder.

  "Oh great. So this is how I die."

  Luke jumped, spinning around and shaking Annie on his back. "Who's winning now?"

  "St-i-l-l-l-l-l win-n-n-n-ing-ing!" Annie declared from his back.

  "You're going to kill her," Ashton said, a little bit of worry in his voice.

  "Only if I'm lucky."

  Finally, he stopped shaking her around and plopped Annie on his sleeping bag. "Fine. You can live for now."

  "Gosh thanks."

  Luke crawled over some of the sleeping bags to where Calum was laying relaxed. "Now that she thinks she won, let's run!" he whisper-yelled.

  Calum laughed. "Yes my princess, get on my horse so we can ride off into the sunset!"

  Annie propped herself up, shrugging. "Hey, don't let me stop you. I still have your credit card."

  "Gold digger!" Luke accused.

  "Home-wrecker!" Annie retaliated immediately.

  "Oh, just kiss already." Michael mumbled from where he was adjusting his sleeping bag.

  Annie reached behind her, scratching her back. "I have standards."

  "And a boyfriend," Calum added.

  "That too."

  Luke shrugged. "Hey, I'm all for it. Anything to break you two up."

  "You're as bad as a fangirl," Annie smirked, adjsuting her arms to try and itch her back better.

  "You take that back!"

  "Nope! You're just as bad. In fact, your worse," Annie replied smugly.

  "Ladies, ladies," Calum exclaimed, smiling though he looked almost scared. "There's enough of me to go around."

  Annie was scratching her back more aggressively now. "No, there's just enough for me. I've got the official dibs. I signed a freaking contract, Johanna had copies. Luke, back the fvck off."

  Luke and Calum looked at her worriedly. Luke scooted over to where she sat, dropping the subject for now. "Is something on your back?"

  "I don't know. Can you check for me?"

  Luke nodded, scooting around so he was facing Annie's back. "Nothing here. Maybe it's a rash?"

  Annie shook her head, pouting at it. "Just check for me." She pulled up her shirt, almost getting it caught over her head before Luke reached up, helping her.

  "Oh, I think it's your bra strap." He muttered, running his fingers along the band. The tag had gotten folded awkwardly, scratching against her skin. He fixed it, and Annie sighed in relief.

  "Thanks." she pulled her shirt back on, over her head and leaned against Luke's chest tiredly.

  It was then that they realized the others were completely quiet. "What?"

  They stared at them in surprise. Luke had literally just taken off Annie's shirt, fixing her bra for her, and they acted like it was completely normal.

  "This is weird," Michael decided.

  "Okay then," Calum muttered, going back to fixing the sleeping bag he sat on. "Well, that's uncomfortable."

  Annie rubbed her eyes, yawning. "Your mom."

  "Your mum," Luke corrected automatically, twisting around a lock of her hair in his hand. "It's mum. Get it right."

  "Get your face right," Annie replied meekly.

  "Looks like Annie's about down for the count. Wait, let me unzip the sleeping bag."

  He carefully pulled Annie off the bag, and went around, unzipping it all. "Cal, where are the blankets?"

  "What blankets?"

  Luke rolled his eyes, getting up and walking to Calum room. He returned a minute later with a pile of blankets in his his hand, including Calum's bedspread.

  "You have the same bedspread as Dan," Annie mumbled tiredly, groaning as Luke rolled her onto the open sleeping bag.

  Calum crawled over, leaning on his elbows next to Annie. "Who's Dan?"

  "From the Internet," she muttered. "The squares... the black and gray and white, it's like... is not on fire. That Dan."

  "It's only 11," Michael commented, mystified. "How's she so tired? Did you drug her?"

  Calum rolled his eyes, ignoring the rediculous question. "Did you even sleep last night?" He asked her.

  "Not really," she murmured again, fighting to keep her eyes closed as she sighed deeply. "Just kind of... watched you sleep."

  "That's not creepy," Ashton commented dryly.

  Annie tiredly raised a middle finger before rolling over, pulling the covers over her.

  "Well that was fun." Ashton snorted.

  Calum glanced at Annie, his expression showing his worry. "Yeah..."

  Everyone was silent for a few moments, until Michael cleared his throat. "Okay then, who wants to draw on her face?"


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