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  If anything good came out of this whole ordeal, it was that for once Luke got to spend some alone time with Calum. He saw him every day, but that was always with the other boys around. Luke always wanted some time of just the two of them, and now he got some.

  They stayed in Calum's room the rest of the evening and night, as well as most of the morning. It was then Luke suggested Calum should go back and stay at the boys house for a little while.

  "Just for a few days, you know. Until you're ready to face Annie." Luke reassured.

  Translation: I miss you and you should be angry at Annie, because I am. You can stay at the house until you feel like you are ready to break up with her.

  Calum shook his head. "I don't think so. Annie can't help it, and I don't want to make her feel guilty for something she can't control."

  Translation: Why would I do that, I love Annie. Even if she had control over it, I'd stay here.

  Luke scowled. "I think you two need a break. Maybe, her attack was caused by all the time you have been spending together."

  Translation: I want you to break up with her, because I'm jealous of all the time you're able to spend with her and not with me.

  "I mean, she's my girlfriend. It makes sense why we spend so much time together," Calum replied, becoming slightly defensive.

  Translation: She's my girlfriend, why are you getting the jealous, this isn't new information.

  Luke huffed. "It can't be healthy to spend that much time together."

  Translation: It can't be healthy spending that much time with Annie, and not with me.

  Calum cocked an eyebrow. "We live together."

  Translation: I live with Annie, obviously we spend time together.

  "I know you two live together! Don't treat me like an idiot!"

  Translation: I hate that you left your home with me and the boys to live with her, and I'm constantly reminded.

  "Why are you getting so worked up about this? I'm just trying to work things out with her, why am I the bad guy?"

  Translation: I'm trying to do the right thing, and I don't know what you're doing.

  "You're not the bad guy! Annie is! She's the reason you have to have a bunch of band aids on your face, and yet you just want to work things out?"

  Translation: She's the bad guy because she stole you from me and now she's hurting you, and you won't see that I need you back home.

  "Don't you dare say a single more word about her!" Calum hissed, more angry than he's been in a long time. "You can say whatever the f.uck you want to about me, but don't you dare say a word against her!"

  Translation: Don't tell me what I already know.

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